Friday, June 6, 2014

Perfect in my Imperfections

It's been a long time since I've posted about my journey.  The food is in place.  It's become a way of life, and I'm so grateful that I no longer wish to eat any other way than the way I'm eating.  I'm making old recipes, trying new ones, and noticing that my tastes continue to change.  Although I enjoy cooking and trying new things, I'm also noticing how much I love a plate of green beans, a piece of watermelon, or a plain bowl of oatmeal.  Without all of the sugar and fat distorting my taste buds, I can actually taste each food and appreciate it for what it is!

I am a bit discouraged by where I am in my health journey, but that's only because I get in my own way with my expectations.  The truth is that I'm in a much better place than I was a year ago, and I don't want to forget where I was or minimize how far I've come.  At the moment, I'm struggling with some health issues, after a car accident and subsequent infection, that have worn me down.  The meds are doing a number on me, and although they're necessary, I'm just plain sick of feeling so tired and nauseated.

I've worked hard on changing my food, and now I'm working even harder on changing my head.  It's a big job, but I'm ready for the challenge!

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