
I started following a Whole Foods Plant-Based Oil-Free Diet on June 19, 2013 in an attempt to regain my health and lose weight.

Although I used to be healthy, my weight has fluctuated for years because of emotional eating.

I now have degenerative disk disease, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphedema, a pituitary tumor, carpal tunnel syndrome, and I live with chronic pain. I take medication for lymphedema, fibromyalgia, and the pituitary tumor.

I'm told that there is no cure for these conditions, but I'm out to disprove that! My goals are to become healthy, resolve my issues with emotional eating, lose weight, and get off of the blood pressure and fibromyalgia meds. My sugars and cholesterol are high, too, and I want to lower both of them.

I've already experienced changes since following this woe of eating, and I'm confident that there will be health changes, both physical and emotional, in store for me as I continue to eat this way!


  1. Keep at it Denise. I am confident you will see improvements. I have been amazed at how a whole-food, plant-based diet has improved my fibro. Just stick with it. Your body has a lot of repairs to make so the improvements may take time, but they will come!

    The elimination of nuts, avocado, and dried fruits is new for me, but I am looking forward to trying that as well to see what additional improvements may be in store for me. I look forward to checking out the recipes you share!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad to hear that it improved your fibro. Thanks, too, for the reminder that this will take time. I read these stories about people experiencing huge improvements within weeks, and that hasn't been my experience (although I sure do feel better than when I started this!). I trust that healing will come in time.
