Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I'll Start Over Tomorrow

I'm back from my getaway with my Nick.  Even after preparing a menu, taking all of my food, arranging for a fridge and microwave, I bought into the lie that I could take just one bite because I was on a mini-vacation.

I'm not surprised at where that one bite has taken me.

I didn't write yesterday because I didn't want to be held accountable; I wanted just one more day with the food. I didn't want to write today because I wanted just one more day with the food! 

In spite of not wanting to write, I'm forcing myself.  My breakfast wasn't on plan, so I told myself that I've already blown it so I might as well just wait and start tomorrow.

Another lie.

If I don't start now, I never will.  The older I get, the harder I fall and the harder it is to pull myself back up. I don't want to keep living this way.

The time is now.


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