Friday, January 2, 2015

20 Things I Can Do Instead of Emotional Eating

 1.  Write, either in my journal or on my blog

 2.  Write a Gratitude List of 10 things

 3.  Play a board game with the kids

 4.  Color a mandala

 5.  Work on a jigsaw puzzle

 6.  Send a card to a friend

 7.  Email a friend

 8.  Make a collage

 9.  Write down 10 things I like about myself (yikes!)

10.  Meditate

11.  Listen to music

12.  Look at my Pinterest board

11.  Clean out a drawer or cabinet

12.  Practice yoga

13.  Read a book

14.  Take a power nap

15.  Deep breathe

16.  Sing

17.  Go sit on the deck

18.  Practice '5 Things' exercise

19.  Listen to an inspirational tape

20.  Read an affirmation


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