Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sinus Infection Protocol

With winter season on our doorstep and yucky colds heading out way, I want to address the topic of antibiotics for sinus issues. First I need to say I’m not a doc, but I work closely with mine, a wonderful integrative doc who supports all I want to accomplish.
About 7 years ago I caught a nasty sinus infection that ran rampant in my entire body. Everything ached. My doc gave me oregano oil. It didn’t work by itself. I added Berberine, she supported me through my colloidal silver experiments every awake half-hour for weeks, nothing would get rid of this vicious bug. She and my holistic pharmacist talked me into seeing an ENT who prescribed steroids and antibiotics and subsequently performed sinus surgery. They knew I didn’t want to do it, but this bug had gotten a hold of me for almost a year and the herbal remedies we’re not helping.
I was good for about two years after the surgery and then got a cold from my granddaughter that turned into another sinus infection. Two more rounds of antibiotics and steroids over the next two years. My gut, that I had been trying to heal since all the antibiotics two years prior to this latest round, was a mess again. I said, “no more antibiotics.” By the time I reached this point, there were three I am now allergic to because I’ve had so many.
The next time I got a cold, I took some ACV on a tissue and sniffed it into my nose. Not much, it burned like crazy. A little while later, I used my Neilmed bottle with salt and about 4 drops of ACV. I did this until my nose was clear, about three bottles. I did this every time I got stuffed up. Within two days my nose was clear. I continued for a bit over a week, treating it like a ten-day antibiotic. It worked. came back. I called my doc and told her the marvelous news. The ACV and salt got rid of my sinus infection but it did not stay away. I asked her what else I could use with my formula. She said to add GSE (grapefruit seed extract). I went out to get some and started adding 15 drops to my Neilmed bottle. This worked. I haven’t had a cold or sinus issue I couldn’t kick to the curb in about three years now.
My protocol. If it’s really bad, sniffing some full-strength ACV to get a jump shot. Then use a Neti pot or Neilmed bottle with a packet (or 1/4 tsp Neti salt, 4 drops of ACV and 15 drops of GSE (grapefruit seed extract). Rinse as many times in a row as necessary to get your nose clear. Each time it gets stuffed or clogged, repeat until clear. This could be two to three refills, you be the judge. Once all your symptoms are gone, continue for at least a week, I do ten days. If you are around sick people, rinse prophylactically. My ENT says there’s nothing wrong with doing it every day. I don’t do it every day now because since PP I’ve never been more clear. But at the first tickle, this recipe is my go do for sinus issues.
I was worried at first about sniffing ACV especially since I specifically buy distilled water for my Neilmed bottles. But, being allergic to three antibiotics is serious, what if it was life and death and I needed one. Where would I be? I needed to figure this out without antibiotics.
I’m not giving medical advice. Just telling you what works for me. It’s lifesaving to my gut and my respiratory system.

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