Thursday, April 30, 2020

Asian Slaw - To Try

* 1 bag coleslaw blend or broccoli slaw blend

* 1 bunch scallions

* 1/3 cup olive oil
* 2 Tbsp toasted sesame oil
* 1/3 cup rice wine vinegar (unseasoned or else use less sweetener)
* 1-2 tablespoons Lakanto Monkfruit Golden (or sweetener of choice)
* 3 tablespoon Coconut Aminos
* 2 garlic cloves, finely minced
* 2 Tbsp ginger, finely chopped or zested
* 1 tsp sea salt
* Squirt Sriracha

Start by shredding the cabbages. I recently bought the thin slicing blade for my food processor and I really don’t know why I waited so long! If you have that, use it! Otherwise slice as thin as you can by hand, or in processor or with mandolin etc.

The next step is not a must, but really does make it better so your dressing doesn’t get watered down. That is to sprinkle salt over the cabbage, mix it up by hand, in fact massage it for a few minutes to really get the salt into the veggies and then let it sit for 15 minutes while you prepare the rest of the ingredients. Then squeeze the jabeezies (yes, that’s a word!) out of it to drain the water. Look at the pictures to see what a difference it makes in volume!! It also makes the cabbage a little more tender, which I prefer.
Slice the scallions and add to drained cabbage.

Mix up the dressing and pour over veggies.

*don’t feel like you have to use these exact veggies - last time (and in these pictures) I shredded radish in place of red cabbage and cilantro in place of scallion and it was just as delicious - it’s really all about the dressing and the crunch of the cabbage).

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