Friday, August 20, 2021

Sweet Potato Avocado “Toast”


Sweet Potato Avocado “Toast”


  1. 1 large sweet potato (one that is more oval or oblong will work better than one that’s round)

  2. 1 avocado

  3. 1 c Broccoli Sprouts

  4. Salt to taste


  1. Wash and slice the sweet potato lengthwise into ¼ inch slices

  2. Toast these slices in a toaster oven on high. Check after 10 minutes to see if it is cooked all the way through and put back in for another 5 minutes if necessary.

  3. While the potatoes are toasting, cut open the avocado and mash in a bowl with salt.

  4. Spread the mashed avocado over your finished pieces of “toast”

  5. Top with broccoli sprouts

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