Saturday, July 6, 2024

Bacon Beef & Egg Frittata


1/2 lb bacon

1 lb ground beef 

6 (12 oz) eggs

Redmond's Real Salt

Cut the bacon into 1/2" pieces.  Fry in a 12" nonstick skillet until almost done. When almost fully cooked, push bacon to the side of the pan, and add the ground beef.

Break up the ground beef while it cooks in the bacon fat.  When it's almost done, mix in the bacon pieces.

Break eggs into a glass 2-cup measuring cup.  Add salt to taste.  Whisk well.

Add eggs to the skillet.  Reduce heat to low, cover the pan with a splatter screen, and cook for 10-15 minutes, checking frequently, until the eggs are cooked through.

Season and enjoy.

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