Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What are We?


  1. Bravo!
    I applaud you for making the changes you needed, and for feeling so good about it. Many feel good about losing weight - many feel good about eating food they love - but not many feel good about both at the same time. I rejoice with you as I picture you decades down the road still feeling great, looking great and still eating a Protective Diet!

  2. Thank you Denise for being so honest! I can relate to 80% of your blog and I'm grateful that you are honest about your journey - takes the shame away for me to see that others have gone and are going through this path as well. Congratulations and keep being extreme!

  3. Aw! <3
    This makes me want to hug you. Very honest, and really well written (especially since I tend to trip through writing emotional things!) .

    So, so glad you're happy now. <3 And you bring up really good points.

  4. I cannot get your post out of my head. I do and have done everything in your post. I joined PD in Jan. and I have been on and off the PD wagon since. Someone said this is really a radical way to live... But after reading your post is it? Thank you so much for turning a light on in my brain...I too want to give up my current destructive "extreme "crazy" way of relating to food and just enjoy it. Thank you

  5. Denise, you are amazing! This is so touching...like someone else said, I want to give you a hug! I'm so proud of you for keeping up with the journey...and it certainly is just that...to a vibrant, HEALTHY you! You obviously have so much to give. I'm so glad you shared!
