Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday, 3/19/14

I've been ignoring this blog, but not intentionally.  There's been a lot going on at home and I haven't had the time or extra energy to continue to record my food here.  Also, I realized that I was spending more time photographing, posting, and linking than I was cooking and planning my meals.  I needed to turn that around.  I'm continuing to eat a plant-based diet and loving it as much as ever.  I just want to spend my time working on some issues that I have around food and other things in my life.  I'll document some of that here, and I'll continue to post new recipes on my other blog: 

Plant Ingredient!

I'll also post occasional pictures of what I'm eating, like this big old delicious mess of a meal I had for lunch today: Mexican Bean Burger on a bed or romaine, smothered in sauteed sweet onions and red bell peppers, fresh salsa, cheeze sauce and vegan sour cream.  So, so yummy!

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