Thursday, January 21, 2021

Apple Crumble


Low Histamine Apple Crumble Recipe (also lower oxalate, low lectin) for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance

This is one of my favorite desserts. It is satisfying and full of histamine lowering ingredients. Apples are a great source of quercetin – a well-known Mast Cell stabilizer.

And we’ve already discussed the great properties of Stevia and Monk Fruit.

Allspice, Clove, and Cinnamon are traditional in baked apple desserts. But these are all Histamine Liberators.

So, instead I use a little Cardamom – which has anti-inflammatory properties.

And here is my secret ingredient…

Camu Camu powder! This is a low histamine, low oxalate foods-based source of Vitamin C. It’s my favorite source of Vitamin C, actually. And it has a nice allspice flavor that works beautifully with apples. You want Organic and a reliable brand free of toxins. I use Navitas Camu Camu powder.

Pecans can be high in mold toxins. To reduce them, I recommend soaking pecans in salt water for 12 hours in the fridge. Then dry them until crispy in a food dehydrator or oven on lowest temperature.

One last tip – make SURE your apples are organic. Conventional apples are notoriously high in pesticide residues that can make Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance worse.

So, let’s put all this together for this recipe:



  1. Preheat oven to 325F.
  2. Use ghee or coconut oil to grease a 6×9” glass baking dish.
  3. Wash apples and slice into ¼” slices. The quercetin is mostly in the peel, so I leave the peel on.
  4. Mix together 1 pinch of salt and ¼ tsp each Monk Fruit Powder, Camu Camu powder, Cardamom powder, and Vanilla powder. Toss apples with this mixture.
  5. Arrange apples in bottom of the baking dish.
  6. Put ghee or coconut oil, chopped pecans, 1 pinch salt, Stevia or Monk Fruit, and ¼ tsp each Camu Camu powder, Cardamom powder, and Vanilla powder into a food processor.
  7. Pulse the nut crumble mixture until well combined and the ingredients start to stick together. Don’t over process.
  8. Layer the crumble mixture on top of the apples.
  9. Bake 20-30 minutes, until apples are soft and cooked through. Keep an eye on the topping to make sure it doesn’t burn. If topping starts to get too brown, lower temperature or cover the dish.
  10. This freezes well. Enjoy and freeze the leftovers!

Want to step this recipe up a notch? You can top it with Whipped Coconut Cream!

Optional Coconut Cream Topping:

  1. If using the Coconut Milk:
    After allowing Coconut Milk to sit in the refrigerator all night, remove it from the fridge.
    Then open the package and scoop the thickest cream from the top of the package.
    If using the Coconut Cream:
    Scoop out 1 cup of coconut cream.
  1. Whip the coconut cream, monk fruit extract, and raw vanilla powder with a whisk.
  2. Top apple crumble with coconut cream.
  3. You can use the leftover coconut water or coconut cream for smoothies or other recipes. You can freeze it in an ice cube tray to make it easier to use.

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