Monday, July 10, 2023

Low Histamine Roasted Garlic Hummus - to try

Low Histamine Roasted Garlic Hummus             (low lectin, low oxalate)

I always make a triple batch of this hummus. This leaves extra for the white sauce base I use for my Cassava Crust Pizza. I’ll share that recipe with you soon – so stay tuned!

Makes about 3 cups


  • 1 head cauliflower
  • 1 head roasted garlic (see recipe below) or 1/2 clove of raw garlic, chopped
  • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon (Sub Camu Camu Powder powder for the tartness if sensitive to lemons)
  • 1/2 – 3/4 tsp unrefined sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons water, if needed for blending

Optional, for Garnish: 

Flat leaf parsley or basil

Extra virgin olive oil to garnish

Toasted sesame seeds


Roast garlic or remove previously roasted garlic from freezer (see below).

Steam cauliflower until soft.

Put garlic, cauliflower, olive oil, lemon juice, water, and sea salt into high speed blender (like a VitaMix or Blendtec) or a food processor.

Blend on high in a Blendtec Blender* or Vitamix blender* or similar for a couple minutes until hummus is smooth. Or you can process in a food processor.

Garnish with parsley and extra virgin olive oil.

Serve with:

Carrot and celery sticks

Flax crackers

Histamine-Busting Roasted Garlic

Here is my super easy, mass production method for roasted garlic. This takes very little time. And you’ll have lots of roasted garlic for recipes!


  • 1-12 heads of roasted garlic
  • 2 tsp grass fed ghee or Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (if freezing extra roasted garlic)


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Cut tops off each head of garlic 

Place each head of garlic inside a cup of one muffin tin.

Rub top of each head of garlic with ghee or coconut oil.

Cover the muffin tin with the second muffin tin.

Bake for 30 minutes until the garlic cloves are soft.

Let cool.

Squeeze the garlic cloves out of the heads.

You can use the garlic immediately in a recipe.

To store leftover roasted garlic, place 4-5 cloves of garlic in each section of an ice cube tray. Repeat until you have used all the garlic. Cover cloves with olive oil and freeze until solid. Pop the cubes of frozen roasted garlic out of the ice cube trays and store in a container in the freezer. Pull out whenever you need to add roasted garlic to a recipe.

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