Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, 2/28/14

Breakfast: Fruit

Lunch: Salad; Baked Potato Wedges; Ranch Dressing

Dinner:  Asian Rainbow Chard and Spinach with Tofu over Brown Rice

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday, 2/27/14

I realized that I skipped Thursday.  I have no idea what I ate.  I know that, whatever it was, it was on my plan.  Sometimes, that's the best I can do, and it's more than good enough for me!  

Happy to stay on plan, even on the rough days...



Genshai means you should never treat another person in a manner that would make them feel small ~ that includes how we treat ourselves.  Following a whole foods plant-based diet helps us live Genshai as we encourage one another and treat ourselves with respect by nourishing our bodies with health promoting foods.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

At the End of the Day...

Wednesday, 2/26/14

Tough, painful, sad day in many ways.  But, I'm able to see so many blessings and to feel thankful for the good things, which always rise above the difficult.  While I don't love the painful parts, I'm so thankful to be able to truly feel them without numbing myself with food!

Breakfast: Nick's scrambled tofu; roasted potatoes; sauteed spinach; sauteed onions and red peppers; clementine

Lunch: Chicken-less Noodle Soup; 1/2 Pomelo

Dinner: Asian Rainbow Chard; Hottie Sauce; Cacao Oat Muffins with Nibs

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, 2/25/14

Breakfast: Oatmeal with apples and blueberries, ginger tea

Lunch: Stir-fry over Brown Rice, clementines

Dinner: Chicken-less Noodle Soup, pomelo, grapefruit

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, 2/24/14

I haven't been keeping up with this blog, and I'm going to make some changes.  I've found that I'm spending so much time/energy here and on my FB page that it's taking away from the time I need to plan and prepare my food.  That needs to come first, so this will take a step back, at least for now.

I'm sick.  Again.  I didn't think that I'd get sick while eating a plant-based diet, but I know that the stress and lack of sleep play a huge part in how my body fights back against germs.  The only reason I'm bringing up my sickness is because I have to acknowledge what an amazing husband I have.  He's worn out and I know he needs encouragement.

This morning, he let me sleep in while he got all four kids up, made breakfast, packed lunches, and got the kids to the bus (four kids at four different schools at four different bus stops!!).  When I finally got up, he'd made oatmeal and ginger tea for me.  He'd also cleaned the kitchen that I'd left a disaster when I started getting sick last night, spent hours on the phone with school personnel, doctors, and therapists, advocating for our son with special needs.  He made me the amazing lunch pictured below, played a game of (my favorite) Qwirkle with me, picked up the kids from school, went to the pharmacy for our son's meds, talked to another therapist, made the kids' dinner, made my beautiful dinner, gave our son an asthma treatment and put him to bed.  I'm so blessed.  I just wish there was a way for him to get away and get the break he needs.  Someday...

Breakfast:  Oatmeal with apples and bananas

Lunch: Eggplant with Cheeze Sauce and spinach, clementines

Dinner:  Tofu Stir-Fry over Brown Rice

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday, 2/23/14

Breakfast:  Mixed Fruit Salad

Lunch:  Salad with Ranch Dressing

Dinner: Eggplant Parm

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday, 2/22/14

B: Mixed Fruit

L: Unfried Rice, Hot Sauce

D: Chili Cheeze Fries, Mango Salsa, Baked Tortilla Chips

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, 2/21/14

Breakfast:  Cacao Wake-up Shake

Lunch:Salad with Ranch Dressing

Dinner: Chili Fries

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, 2/19/14

Breakfast:  Nick's Yummy Instant Pot Oatmeal

Lunch:  Chickpea Salad Sandwich (with romaine and tomatoes on Ezekiel bread), clementines

Dinner:  Potato and Kale Soup, clementines

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, 2/18/14

Feeling a bit under the weather with a cold.  No pics today.

Breakfast: Fruit

Lunch: Hearty Vegetable Soup

Dinner: Potato and Kale Soup

Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday, 2/17/14

Breakfast: Pina Colada Oats Cereal

Lunch: Salad; strawberries and raspberries

Dinner: Potato and Kale Soup

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, 2/16/14

Breakfast: Strawberries, Raspberries

Lunch: Chopped Salad: Chopped romaine, carrots, red bell pepper, scallions, cherry tomatoes, and chickpeas, cilantro, and parsley with ACV dressing

Dinner: Gravy Fries, rainbow chard, clementines

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday, 2/15/14

Breakfast:  Banana Milk Oats Cereal


Lunch:  Potato and Kale Soup

Dinner: Baked White Sweet Potato Rounds, Vegan French Onion Dip; Nick's Chocolate Almond Crusted Apple Pie; Wine

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

One of the many things I love about eating a plant-based diet:

On Valentine's Day (or any day!), 

I love this

Sweet Organic Strawberries

every bit as much as I love this!


There was a time, not so long ago, 
when I thought that I should like fruit better 
because it was good for me.  

Now, because of the way I eat, 
the fruit tastes just as delicious to me 
as does a chocolate brownie!  

They're both delicious, 
neither produces cravings, 
and I'm free to choose either one, 
without guilt!  

I love eating this way!


Friday, 2/14/14

Breakfast: Beautiful organic strawberries, sweet juicy clementines

Lunch:  My Yummy Messy Sandwich; Vegetable Soup

Dinner: Potato and Kale Soup; Nick's Valentine's Chocolate Raspberry Pudding, wine

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, 2/13/14

Breakfast: Nick's Yummy IP Oatmeal

Lunch: Stromboli, clementines

 Dinner: Stromboli (Yes, it was so good that I had it for two meals in a row, and could have eaten it for four or five meals in a row!)

Brownies with cacao vegan ice cream and strawberries

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, 2/12/14

Breakfast:  Nick's Yummy IP Oatmeal

Lunch: Baked Tortilla Chips, Nick's Black Beans, Vegan Cheeze Sauce
(I was having a nice lunch with Nick and chose not to take pictures!)

Dinner:  Soup & Salad: Vegetable Soup, Salad with ranch dressing

PD-Ed Exclusive Breakfast Brownies

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, 2/11/14

Today was tough, physically and emotionally.  I did a lot of work on acceptance, both of the situation and of myself.  Deep down, I've never, ever felt that I did enough, that I was good enough.  Something switched today, and I truly believed that I'm doing everything that I can do, I'm handling a bad situation well, I'm stronger than I've ever given myself credit for being, and I will get through this.  

I am looking for ways to treat myself well.  Today, it was with comfort food.  I didn't have any greens, and well, that's just the way it is.  Tomorrow, I will cook my beautiful greens, and I will choose one way to take care of myself that doesn't involve food.

I will get through this.  If there's one thing for which I'm grateful, it's that I'm not eating sugar and junk food.  I know what I would have justified doing, and it would have left me sick and in a sugar coma!  I am SO glad I'm far, far away from all of that and will never go back to it!

Breakfast: Black Cherry Oats Cereal

Lunch: Buffalo Cauliflower; Ranch Dressing

Dinner: Baked French Fries, Vegan Cheeze Sauce; Black Beans Mix; Wine

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, 2/10/14

Breakfast: Mixed Fruit

Lunch: Chickpea Salad over salad; clementines

Dinner: Buffalo Cauliflower; Ranch Dressing