Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, 2/24/14

I haven't been keeping up with this blog, and I'm going to make some changes.  I've found that I'm spending so much time/energy here and on my FB page that it's taking away from the time I need to plan and prepare my food.  That needs to come first, so this will take a step back, at least for now.

I'm sick.  Again.  I didn't think that I'd get sick while eating a plant-based diet, but I know that the stress and lack of sleep play a huge part in how my body fights back against germs.  The only reason I'm bringing up my sickness is because I have to acknowledge what an amazing husband I have.  He's worn out and I know he needs encouragement.

This morning, he let me sleep in while he got all four kids up, made breakfast, packed lunches, and got the kids to the bus (four kids at four different schools at four different bus stops!!).  When I finally got up, he'd made oatmeal and ginger tea for me.  He'd also cleaned the kitchen that I'd left a disaster when I started getting sick last night, spent hours on the phone with school personnel, doctors, and therapists, advocating for our son with special needs.  He made me the amazing lunch pictured below, played a game of (my favorite) Qwirkle with me, picked up the kids from school, went to the pharmacy for our son's meds, talked to another therapist, made the kids' dinner, made my beautiful dinner, gave our son an asthma treatment and put him to bed.  I'm so blessed.  I just wish there was a way for him to get away and get the break he needs.  Someday...

Breakfast:  Oatmeal with apples and bananas

Lunch: Eggplant with Cheeze Sauce and spinach, clementines

Dinner:  Tofu Stir-Fry over Brown Rice

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