Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Toenail Fungus, Pseudogout

Use Oregano and Tea Tree essential oils, alternating after shower. Soften nail with vitamin E oil as well to help skin underneath and easier removal of the dead nail growth. New nail is growing slowly on nice, healthy skin. We found out the hard way that it’s super important to use only organic, highest quality essential oils. 💚 Hope this helps and you feel better soon.

Really important to do it faithfully. We soaked his foot in Epsom salts and Lavender 3x week too. Indeed, ya gotta dilute these oils with a carrier oil .. most often we used fractionated coconut oil due to it’s immense anti-fungal and healing properties, also Vitamin E on new exposed skin. It needs to dry out, so no socks , direct sunlight on the tootsies and flip flops weather helps a lot too. If you can eat organic oregano, fresh is best and it helps us systemically keep the overgrowth at bay. 

Soak in Epsom salt and adding clove essential oils

Spray with Colloidal Silver, 10ppm is best

Soak foot in hot water and Epsom salts. 30 minutes. Dry after. Apply IODINE- then either tea tree oil or helichrysum oil

Spray alcohol-free witch hazel with tea tree oil and lavender oil on feet.
Also use castor oil on feet just about every day.

Apply lugol's iodine (a natural antifungal, among many other things)

Try tamanu oil and sandalwood essential oil. Apply 2-3times a day. Antibiotics not required

If tea tree oil didn't work... I have to ask what brand did you use? If not a pure essential oil, it could have been from one of the 'fillers' but other oil options are lemon, lemon grass, or oregano... oregano is very very hot so has to be used with a carrier oil. Organic, unrefined coconut oil is a great carrier and has antifungal properties as well. So you can 'lotion up' with coconut oil daily, and take internally as well.

What I saw that helped was taking biotin. The toe nail fungus appeared when I stopped taking a probiotic with biotin Symbiolact.

I'm a reflexologist.. I deal with feet everyday! Haha one of my go to recipes to give my clients is vinegar and mouthwash foot soak for at least 20 minutes a day. Great for athletes foot, and it's gone in a matter of days, toenail fungus, you will have to continue diligently.  

Diane Rodriguez to Susan Owens:

Susan, I think I read on another post that you were told to have your father soak his feet in tea? Is that what you did for his toenail fungus? I have toenail darkness, but the dermatologist dismissed it as fungus, and now have a black spot on my one big showed up after my pseudo gout.

Susan Owens

If you look up pseudogout and oxalate in pubmed there are 14 articles that come up, They may be worth reading!

How Can I Use Tea Tree Oil in Yeast Infections?

One of the best things I have found with this remarkable oil is that it has many and varied applications with candida patients. It is so effective with topical (skin) applications, on the toenail with discolored toenails or tinea, as a vaginal cleanse/douche for vaginitis (thrush) and those whitish skin patches that candida patients sometimes get.
  • Toe Nail Fungus. Place one drop on each affected toe after your bath, make sure you get some oil gets under the nail affected by toe nail fungus. Apply each day. Stay with it, it can take a few weeks but watch the difference it makes!


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