Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Scrambled Eggs in Cast Iron


Step 1: Preheat the cast iron skillet 
Heat your skillet over medium-low for about 5 minutes. Be careful not to get your cooking surface too hot! This can cause your scrambled eggs to stick. 

Step 2: Get cracking!  
While your skillet is preheating, add eggs, a little heavy cream (opt), and salt and white pepper to a bowl, then whisk together. This incorporates air into the mixture, which will make your eggs fluffy. 

Step 3: Grease it up
Check to see if your skillet is hot enough by splashing a few drops of water on the surface. If the water sizzles when it hits the pan, you’re ready to go! Right before adding the eggs, melt butter, lard, or tallow in the bottom of the pan—enough to cover the entire surface. Don’t be afraid to be generous; this will help your eggs lift right off the pan. 

Step 4: Scramble on! 
Add your eggs to the pan and chill out for a moment. Low and slow is the name of the game! When the eggs start to set around the edges, pull the eggs toward the center of the skillet. The uncooked egg will run into the hot skillet and continue to cook. Once the eggs have almost set, remove them from the heat and serve.

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