Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Egg Wraps - ***

I did not enjoy these.  They were thick, I didn't like the smell, and they didn't reheat well.  My favorites are still the ones with fresh egg whites and beef gelatin.  

How to make “Egglife Wraps” at home (similar to Indigo Nili’s recipe):

Pour 1 CUP water plus an extra 3 tablespoons water in a bowl.

Slowly sprinkle 3 tablespoons beef gelatin on it.

Let the gelatin sit on the water for one minute. Then mix it with a fork or frother until the gelatin is mostly dissolved.

Heat a skillet over medium heat.

Add 8 tablespoons (1/2 cup) egg white powder.

Mix it until the mixture is smooth.

Add tallow to the skillet.

Pour the mixture into the skillet and cook them like you would pancakes. I prefer to make 2-3 large wraps from each batch, but you could make them smaller. Let them cook on each side until they’re as done as you like them. I like for mine to still be a little soft and gooey on the inside.
Use them as wraps or shells for meats and cheeses. 

Kelly Hogan

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