Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Carnivore Tortillas (Chicken & Egg) ***

These were fairly good.  I first tried mixing them in the small Cuisinart, but it wasn't strong enough to produce a smooth batter.  So, I switched to the large food processor, which worked better.  I first tried to cook them on the stovetop, on a ceramic griddle, but they stuck terribly.  When I switched to the electric griddle, they didn't stick at all.  

These were much thicker than the egg tortillas because I couldn't achieve the desired consistency.  I ended up sprinkling salt on them and spreading some Tillamook cream cheese on them.  They were good, although I don't know if I'd make them again unless I had cooked chicken to use up.

Tortillas (chicken and egg) from Steak and Butter Gal

1 cup chopped cooked chicken

2 eggs

1 egg white, opt.  Mix chicken and eggs, along with egg white, if using, in the food processor until thick and creamy.

Preheat the electric griddle on low heat.  Add tallow.  

When tallow is hot, place a spoonful to batter in the center of the griddle.  Using the back of a silicone spoon, gently spread the batter in a circle, adding more batter until the desired size is achieved.  

Cook on low heat until the edges start to come up off of the griddle, then flip and cook on the other side until done.

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