Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday, 7/31

I'm amazing at how easily I can fall out of the habit of doing something.  I didn't record my food while I was at the hospital, and I didn't even realize that I hadn't done it the past two days!

Those two days weren't great.  I ate only the foods I should eat, but discovered that I really can't handle the zucchini bread, even when we made it again with ground up rolled oats instead of wheat.  To me, it didn't matter that there wasn't sugar or gluten in it; I still wanted to eat more.  Sadly, I need to avoid it.

I didn't write down my food today, either.  I drank water, ate fruit salad for lunch; bean and corn salad with baked tortilla chips for lunch, fruit for a snack, and 2 bean burgers with mayo, ketchup, and pickles on Ezekiel Rolls for dinner.

I didn't exercise because I didn't feel up to it.  I'm not sure what's going on, but I've felt awful the past two days, full of pain, no energy at all, and depressed.  I hadn't had any depression in a long time.  It's discouraging, but I'm trying to just experience the journey without labeling days good or bad, and without judging myself when I don't feel well.

Wednesday Weigh In: Week 6

Didn't lose any weight this week.  Too much sitting around in the hospital for most of it, I guess.  Trying not to feel discouraged.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday, 7/28/13

12 oz water

Breakfast:  Zucchini Bread

22 oz water

Macaroni Salad

22 oz water

Lunch: Jackfruit in BBQ Sauce on an Ezekiel Roll, Macaroni Salad, Dill Pickles

12 oz water

Zucchini Bread

12 oz water

Dinner: Black Bean Burger on an Ezekiel Roll, Lettuce, Tomato, Dill Pickles, Sauce; Zucchini Bread

12 oz water

Zucchini Bread

12 oz water
12 oz water
22 oz water

I definitely overate today.  Too much bread, both Ezekiel and Zucchini.  Also, a little bit of people-pleasing.  Just staying aware...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday, 7/27/13

Breakfast:  Oatmeal, blueberries, grapes, honeydew melon, cantaloupe

22 oz water

Lunch: Brown Rice, Refried Black Beans, Frozen Cacao

12 oz water
12 oz water

Dinner: Macaroni Salad, Zucchini Bread

12 oz water
22 oz water

Being Prepared

My six-year-old ended up in the ER on Tuesday and was admitted, had surgery, and returned home today.

In the past, I would have said that there was no way that I could stick with my diet plan under those circumstances.  The hospital cafeteria didn't have any vegan entrees, and the stress was too much.

This time, I didn't even consider that.  I checked the menu carefully, and asked for plain oatmeal, and the fruit and cottage cheese platter without the cottage cheese, which meant melons, grapes, and bananas.  I skipped the apple wedges because they were treated to stop discoloration.  I ate brown rice and plain baked potatoes, until I noticed an oily mark on my plate and realized that the potato skins were rubbed with oil or butter.  I ate some salads after my husband ran home and picked up my Ranch Dressing that I'd made the day before. 

I also had some frozen baked beans and burgers in the freezer, so he brought those. 

It really showed me that life can change in a minute and I need to always be prepared.  I'm going to make more dishes to put in the freezer, and I'm also going to make up a little bag that's always ready to go, with things like canned beans, tomatoes, and utensils, a can opener, and other necessities. 

I may not be away for five days next time, but even unexpected hours away from home can lead to problems.  I'm not going to count on others (people or restaurants) to have food for me; I'm going to take responsibility for that myself!  No excuses!  :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tuesday, 7/23/13

22 oz water

Breakfast: Banana

22 oz water

Lunch: Cole Slaw, Garlic Greens, Orange

22 oz water with lemon

Carrot sticks, Ranch Dressing

22 oz water
16 oz water

Dinner: Baked Potato Wedges, Ranch Dressing

22 oz water

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday, 7/22/13

16 oz water

Breakfast: Bean Burgers, Chipotle, Tomatoes, Honeydew Melon

22 oz water
16 oz water
22 oz water

Lunch: Salad (romaine, carrots, scallions, cucumber, tomatoes, black beans), Italian Dressing

22 oz water
16 oz water

Dinner: Salsa, Corn Tortillas, Spinach & Bean Burgers, Tomatoes

16 oz water
22 oz water (Total: 152)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday, 7/21/13

22 oz water

Breakfast: Hummus & Toast, Peaches

22 oz water
22 oz water

Lunch: Tofu, Onions & Mushrooms,

22 oz water
22 oz water

Popcorn with ACV, Nutritional Yeast, & Sea Salt

22 oz water
16 oz water

Dinner: Kale, Brown Rice, Hummus & Toast

22 oz water
16 oz water (186 total)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday, 7/20/13

22 oz water

Breakfast: Watermelon

22 oz water

Lunch: Chickpea Salad, Strawberries

22 oz water
16 oz water

Dinner: Tofu, Mushrooms, Onions, Salad, Potatoes, Ranch Dressing

16 oz water


16 oz water

Tuna Salad

22 oz water

Really overate tonight.  I LOVE chickpea salad, but I just kept eating it!  I was eating because it tasted so good, not because I was hungry.  Not going to beat myself up, but need to acknowledge that I did it.  Particularly stressful day today, but focused on not eating to ease the stress.  Didn't overeat until later, so I don't know if it was a reaction to the stress or not.  Probably not.  Maybe the chickpea salad is a trigger, or maybe I just overate.  Right now, I feel very heavy, like there's a brick in my stomach.  Haven't felt like that in a long time. 

Tomorrow is a new day.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday, 7/19/13

22 oz water

Breakfast: Vegan Crab Cakes with Lemon Sauce; Watermelon

22 oz water
22 oz water

Lunch: Pasta Salad, Szechuan Stir-fry

22 oz water


22 oz water

Dinner: Hummus with Ezekiel Toast, Kale on Brown Rice


16 oz water
22 oz water (Total: 148)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday, 7/18/13

22 oz water

Breakfast:  Watermelon

22 oz water

Pasta Salad

22 oz water

Lunch: Szechuan Stir-fry

22 oz water


22 oz water

Dinner: Vegan Crab Cakes with Lemon Sauce, Sautéed greens & asparagus, Marinated Tomato Salad

22 oz water


22 oz water
22 oz water (Total: 176 oz)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Shift

Something shifted inside today.  I'm starting to remember what it's like to feel good.  I did chair yoga this morning, and aside from a phone call in the middle of it, during which I got to listen to my son screaming, it was so relaxing.  In addition to feeling good, I'd forgotten what it felt like to relax.

I've lost 21 pounds, but the pounds aren't my focus.  I'm focusing on feeling good, on getting better, even when the doctors tell me that I can't.  I absolutely love the food I'm eating, and I know that my body loves it, too!  There is no deprivation, no hunger.  I would never consider this to be a diet; it's the way I want to eat.

I love what happens when I'm off of sugar.  My head is less spacy; I have mental clarity.  I can taste food again, the sweetness of a carrot, the wonderful blend of herbs and spices, the crisp crunch of cucumber.  Fruit is a treat to be savored and enjoyed.  It tastes better than any candy.

I have a long journey ahead, I know that.  I'm working on living in the moment, enjoying the moment, and trusting that I don't have to worry about the future.

Wednesday, 7/17/13

22 oz water

Breakfast: Watermelon, Champagne Mango

22 oz water
22 oz water

Lunch: 2 Bean Burgers, Mayo, Tomatoes; Watermelon

22 oz water
22 oz water

Pasta Salad

22 oz water
22 oz water

Dinner: Szechuan Stir-Fry

22 oz water
22 oz water

Exercise: Chair Yoga

Yoga on a chair with Jessica Hatchett

Wednesday Weigh In: Week 4

5 pounds lost

Total lost: 21 pounds!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday, 7/16/13

32 oz water

Breakfast: Oatmeal with blueberries and flax seed; peach

22 oz water
22 oz water

Lunch: 2 Bean Burgers, Ketchup, Mayo

22 oz water
22 oz water

Dinner: Red Lentils with Spinach

22 oz water
22 oz water
32 oz water Total: 196 oz

Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday, 7/15/13

22 oz water
22 oz water

Breakfast: Oatmeal with blueberries and flax seed

22 oz water
22 oz water

Lunch: BLT on Ezekiel Bread, 1 sl Ezekiel Bread with Mayo and Ketchup  (Did not need that second slice of bread!  Just tasted so good when I mixed the mayo and ketchup together!)  Bing cherries

22 oz water


22 oz water

Dinner: Bean Burger, Ketchup, Mayo; bing cherries


22 oz water (Total: 154 oz)

Exercise: 30 minutes chair aerobics

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday 7/14/13

22 oz water

22 oz water

Breakfast: Plum

22 oz water

22 oz water

Lunch: 2 BLTs on Ezekiel Rolls with Romaine, Tomatoes, Mayo, and Ketchup  (Did not need to eat two of these!!!)

22 oz water


22 oz water

Dinner: Bean Burger on Ezekiel Roll with Romaine, Tomatoes, Mayo, and Ketchup

22 oz water (Total: 154 oz)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday, 7/13/13

22 oz water

Breakfast: OG strawberries

22 oz water

Lunch: Chili

22 oz water


22 oz water

Dinner: Black beans, lettuce, tomato in E2 wraps (2)

3 bites peach

22 oz water

16 oz water (Total: 126 oz)

Friday, July 12, 2013


22 oz water

Breakfast: Baked Ziti with ground flax

22 oz water

Lunch: Baked Beans

22 oz water

1 plum

22 oz water (total: 88)

Dinner: 2 bean burritos with lettuce, tomato, onions, scallions, cilantro on E2 wraps

22 oz water:  110

22 oz water: Total: 132 oz

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday, 7/11/13

Before Breakfast:  22 oz water

Breakfast:  Steel Cut Oats, flax seed, blueberries

16 oz water

Lunch: Baked Ziti

22 oz water

22 oz water (total: 82 oz)

Dinner: Baked Ziti
Veggie Salad 

22 oz water (total 104 oz)

Exercise:  30 minutes chair aerobics and exercises

Bedtime: 10:30, up at 3:00

Cherry Hill NJ Personal Trainer - TrainerDiva's Total Body Chair Workout

Chair Aerobics Workout with Paul Eugene

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 3

2 pound loss this week

16 pounds total lost

Discovered Chair Yoga last night.  Will start doing that this week.  I just want to MOVE and I wish our pool was open so that I could walk in it!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013