Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday, 7/31

I'm amazing at how easily I can fall out of the habit of doing something.  I didn't record my food while I was at the hospital, and I didn't even realize that I hadn't done it the past two days!

Those two days weren't great.  I ate only the foods I should eat, but discovered that I really can't handle the zucchini bread, even when we made it again with ground up rolled oats instead of wheat.  To me, it didn't matter that there wasn't sugar or gluten in it; I still wanted to eat more.  Sadly, I need to avoid it.

I didn't write down my food today, either.  I drank water, ate fruit salad for lunch; bean and corn salad with baked tortilla chips for lunch, fruit for a snack, and 2 bean burgers with mayo, ketchup, and pickles on Ezekiel Rolls for dinner.

I didn't exercise because I didn't feel up to it.  I'm not sure what's going on, but I've felt awful the past two days, full of pain, no energy at all, and depressed.  I hadn't had any depression in a long time.  It's discouraging, but I'm trying to just experience the journey without labeling days good or bad, and without judging myself when I don't feel well.

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