Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday, 7/20/13

22 oz water

Breakfast: Watermelon

22 oz water

Lunch: Chickpea Salad, Strawberries

22 oz water
16 oz water

Dinner: Tofu, Mushrooms, Onions, Salad, Potatoes, Ranch Dressing

16 oz water


16 oz water

Tuna Salad

22 oz water

Really overate tonight.  I LOVE chickpea salad, but I just kept eating it!  I was eating because it tasted so good, not because I was hungry.  Not going to beat myself up, but need to acknowledge that I did it.  Particularly stressful day today, but focused on not eating to ease the stress.  Didn't overeat until later, so I don't know if it was a reaction to the stress or not.  Probably not.  Maybe the chickpea salad is a trigger, or maybe I just overate.  Right now, I feel very heavy, like there's a brick in my stomach.  Haven't felt like that in a long time. 

Tomorrow is a new day.

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