Saturday, May 16, 2020

Blueberry Lemon Curd

The Healthy GourMeg
Oh. My. Yum.
Blueberry Lemon Curd!
So, this is a definite indulgent treat, given the fruit, but blueberries are coming in season, and if I’m going to eat then, this is how!!! This would make shoe leather taste good if you slathered it on there - but don’t try that! Lol (instead, smear it on my sugar-free meringue/pavlova that you make with the leftover whites, or spoon it over compliant vanilla ice cream, or make dessert bars or macaroons, or on a piece of toast, or just with a spoon!).
Blueberry Lemon Curd
1 pint Blueberries
Zest 2 lemons
1/2 cup lemon juice
5 Tbsp Butter
3/4 cup Lakanto Powdered
2 whole eggs
4 egg yolks
Heat butter and whisk in sugar until dissolved - set aside.

Whisk eggs and egg yolks together - set aside.

Simmer blueberries with lemon juice and zest until blistered and softened. Put mixture through fine-mesh strainer.

Add blueberry/lemon mixture to bowl of double boiler (or like I do, a bowl over pot of simmering water - just make sure bottom of bowl doesn’t touch water). Keep water at a simmer. Add butter/sugar mixture and whisk until all melted and combined, before it gets too hot, SLOWLY add egg mixture - whisking like crazy! So eggs don’t scramble. Continue to whisk until mixture thickens - took a good 10 mins.

Put plastic wrap over - touching the top of curd, so it doesn’t form a skin, and refrigerate until well chilled

Freaking Delicious!

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