Sunday, July 26, 2020

TLO Research Corner: Overlap between oxalate and CIRS

One of our group members recently was asking some questions about the overlap between oxalate issues and a syndrome called CIRS. I found a paper talking about diagnostic procedures and the etiology of this condition which is thought to be created by exposure to toxins or infectious agents.

I know a lot of you have become familiar with my interest in the newly discovered inflammasomes that define how our innate immunity works, and are aware that non-infectious stimuli can trigger the inflammasome just like infectious things can. Oxalate is one of those non-infectious stimuli, but so far, the only work in this area has been conducted relative to the kidney. Inflammasome research is so new, though, that addressing these issues should come soon. Uric acid can do the same and is associated with gout, and we know that occurs far outside the kidney.

At any rate, I would like you group members to look at this diagram, especially if you have no history of exposure to the sorts of infections they talk about here:…/UNDERSTANDING_CIRS_EDITV2A.…, and tell me how many of these or which one of these symptoms you have seen disappear or dissipate with a low oxalate diet. We know some fungus actually makes oxalate, though it doesn't seem candida is one of them.

I would just like your thoughts on this cluster of 13 symptoms. Surely, if someone has all thirteen, they have had some bad luck!

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