Monday, November 30, 2020

Low Oxalate Baked Apple in the Apple Baker ****

1 organic Gala apple, peeled and cored

2 Tbsp monkfruit

1 1/2 tsp coconut flour

1/4 tsp cinnamon extract

1 Tbsp butter, melted

2 tsp chopped walnuts, if tolerated

1 tsp water

Peel and core apple.

Combine monkfruit sweetener, coconut flour, and cinnamon extract.

Roll apple in melted butter, then in monkfruit mixture.

Place on post of apple baker.

Pour remaining butter, monkfruit mixture over the apple, sprinkle nuts over top, then add water.

Bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes or microwave for 1 1/2-3 minutes.  [I microwaved it for 2 minutes.]


Adapted from

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Diabetics Rejoice! Blog


Diabetics Rejoice!

Recipe Blog

Low Carb Coconut Flour Pie Crust - To Try


Low Carb Coconut Flour Pie Crust

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 10 minutes

Total Time 20 minutes

Servings 12

Calories 129 kcal

Author Brenda Bennett | Sugar-Free Mom


2 eggs

1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp vanilla extract (eliminate for savory)

1/4 cup Swerve sweetener (eliminate for savory)

1/4 tsp sea salt

1 cup coconut flour

1/2 cup butter, cold, cut into cubes


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F

Whisk the eggs, oil and vanilla extract in a food processor or stand mixer.

In another bowl whisk the remaining ingredients together until combined.

Pour the dry and wet mixture into a food processor.

Add the cubed butter.

Process by pulsing until it looks like crumbles.

Spray a pie plate with cooking spray and pour crumbles into pie plate. 

Press with hands to form dough right in the pie plate. Alternately you can also roll out dough between two pieces of parchment paper and flip over into a 9 inch pie plate.

Using a fork randomly make holes into the bottom of the crust.

Bake the crust 10 minutes or until golden.

Cover the crust edges with aluminum foil if using this for a savory or sweet pie that needs to be baked again, otherwise it will burn.

Once cooled out of the oven, add your filling.


Even coconut haters don't taste coconut in this recipe!


Thai Chili / Sloppy Joe - recipe to try


Thai Chili / Sloppy Joe

Chili without the oxalates!! This easy and flexible “hamburger extender” can be eaten as a main dish, used in wraps, or as a chili garnish for hot dogs. Use lamb or pork, if desired. This approach also works with left-over meats – like a “hash”.

Thai Chili / Sloppy Joe

  • Servings: 4-6
  • Oxalates: Low
  • Time: Prep: 20 minutes; Total: 1 hour
  • Difficulty: Easy
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Thai Chili ingredients ready for cooking.

Thai Chili ingredients ready for cooking.

2 T beef tallow, lard, or coconut oil

6 ounces turnips, peeled and diced (est. 8 mg oxalate)

1 onion (6 – 8 ounces, red or yellow), peeled and diced (est. 10 mg oxalate)

¼ tsp. coriander (5 mg oxalate)

½ tsp salt

1 pound ground beef or other meat

2 T Thai red curry paste

12 ounces (1 can) coconut milk

2 tsp. potato starch

2 T Frank’s hot sauce

Cilantro leaves for garnish

Lime wedges for serving


Dish of Chili served with acron squash and garnished with chopped cliantro and lime wedge

Chili served with acorn squash

  1. Sauté turnips and onions in the fat for 15 minutes on medium-low.
  2. Turn heat up to medium. Add ground coriander, salt and ground beef. Cook just long enough to brown the meat.
  3. Add the curry paste and stir to incorporate.
  4. Combine the coconut milk and potato starch, then add to meat mixture.
  5. Simmer on low heat until the sauce thickens, about 10 minutes.
  6. Add hot sauce.
  7. Serve as a sloppy joe mix, or use as you would any chili. Garnish with cilantro leaves or lime wedges. Squeeze lime over portion before eating.

Possible vegetarian option: You might try mushrooms. Raw portabellas have about 6 mg oxalate per cup. Let me know if this works in this recipe. -S

Cream of Cucumber Soup - to try


Cream of Cucumber Soup

Cream of Cucumber Soup

  • Servings: Makes 2 quarts (serves 8 as a first course, or 4 for lunch)
  • Time: 1 hour
  • Difficulty: Fairly Easy
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This simple summer soup has a delicate and sophisticated flavor and is easy to digest and mild enough for fussy eaters.  If you like cream of celery, you’ll love this soup. This is good hot or chilled; making it well suited for a picnic or work day lunch. This is an ideal use for those over-grown garden cucumbers.  For a touch of spring green color, retain about 10% of the peel on the cucumbers, if they are not waxed.


1½ lbs. organic cucumbers, peeled, seeded and diced
3-4 oz. diced onion (~ ½ onion) or ½ oz. chopped chives
4 T butter or ghee or part chicken fat saved from a roasted chicken
3½ cups rich homemade chicken broth (can use the pan juices from a roasted chicken)
1 tsp. Real salt (to taste)
white pepper (to taste)
1 C cream or 1 ½ cups milk or coconut milk
2 egg yolks (opt.)
¼ C chopped fresh chives (opt.)


Sauté the cucumber and onion in butter or ghee for 10 minutes.

Add the chicken broth and simmer, covered, for 30 minutes.

Puree the soup; season with salt and pepper.  If using coconut milk, add it now.

Just before serving, add the cream or milk and egg yolks to hot soup that is off the heat. Do not heat the soup once the cream and egg yolks are added.

Garnish with chives and/or diced radish.

If eggs are not allowed, place a teaspoon raw butter on top of each serving before garnishing with chives.

Variation: Dill Soup. Add ½ C chopped fresh dill at the simmer stage.

Roasted Red Radishes - recipe to try


Roasted Red Radishes

This is popular with both children and adults because roasting tames the spicy bite of a radish. These are simple and sure to please. I like them best when hot, fresh from the oven. Watch out – they go down like popcorn, and may not last long enough to make it to your dinner table. These can be offered as a warm party food, on tooth picks, or with dip.

Roasted Red Radishes

  • Servings: 4
  • Oxalates: 3 mg per serving
  • Time: 25 minutes
  • Difficulty: Easy
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3 bunches fresh radishes with tops removed (about 1 1/2 lbs.)
2 – 3 tsp. olive oil
mineral salt, to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Clean and trim off the root ends. Quarter radishes from top to tail.
  3. In a large bowl, toss radishes with olive oil and salt.
  4. Distribute radishes on a parchment lined baking sheet with sides (jelly-roll pan).
  5. Place in the hot oven. After 5 minutes, lower heat to 375 degrees F. Continue to cook for about 20 minutes, until mostly translucent.
  6. Stir about 3 times during cooking.
  7. Serve immediately, as is.

Frugal option: Use the green tops immediately. Clean, chop and saute greens in hot coconut oil, add salt to taste. Three radish bunches will yield 2 small portions. To serve 4 people, add about 5 oz of chopped arugula greens and cook with the radish tops. Coconut oil gives greens a wonderful flavor.

One serving option is to toss the roasted radishes in with the greens just before serving.

In the photo below, the radishes are almost done. Notice that many have centers that are still white. I like them cooked a bit more – I’d put them back in the oven for an additional 5 minutes.

Roasted Red Radishes Fresh From the Oven

Roasted Red Radishes Fresh From the Oven

Low Oxalate Food Substitutions


Food Suggestions

There are many nutritious low-oxalate options. Here is a brief overview.

Spinach SaladRomaine or Boston Lettuce 

Watercress, Arugula, Mache (corn salad)

PotatoesMashed cauliflower 

White Rice


Winter squash

Chili or PizzaMy Thai Chili or Sloppy Joe
Soy and Great Northern BeansCoconut 

Black-eyed peas

Almond milkCoconut milk; Dairy Milk
NutsRaw pumpkin seeds, sprouted 

Flax Seed Crackers

Watermelon Seeds

Carrots, Celery, BeetsCucumber (use in place of celery) 


Winter squash

ChocolateVanilla ice cream made with whole milk or coconut milk 

white chocolate

Recommended vegetables: Winter squash, Green peas, Bok choy, Mustard greens
Recommended fruits: Blueberries, Lemons, Limes, Melons, Pineapple, Papaya, Mango, Gala apple, Grapes

Oxalate Poisoning by Sally K. Norton

Joint pain? Inflammation? Slow to heal? Fatigue? Sleep issues?

Could oxalate poisoning be to blame?

This page explains why oxalate poisoning is hard to spot—even though it can cause a wide variety of problems. Many of the symptoms that can be caused by excessive oxalate are listed here.

Oxalate Poisoning is Next to Impossible to Diagnose.

Here’s why:

1.  Every reported case of oxalate poisoning is unique. The signs and symptoms are widely dissimilar from person to person. Thus, there is no recognized symptom pattern that is the tell-tale sign of oxalate trouble.

2.  Medical tests for oxalates are rarely used. When they are, they are often performed incorrectly. And, these tests can be extremely invasive, inconclusive, or both.

       *Urinary oxalate, for example, is rarely measured at all. When it is measured, it’s     tested badly—most often due to inadequate preparation and handling of urine samples prior to the chemical analysis.

       *The same holds true for testing other tissues—blood, skin, and bone.

3.  Health care providers don’t order these tests because they aren’t aware that oxalates can irritate the nerves, harm connective tissues, irritate the digestive tract, and trigger inflammation. There are many other, better-known causes that can create similar symptoms, so they assume that the problems result from something else.

       *For example, a gout diagnosis is usually based on symptoms and blood tests, not testing that can correctly identify the problematic material that is building up in the affected joints. Even when joint fluids are examined, the sharp, tiny oxalate crystals are often so physically similar that they’re easy to confuse with other crystals in tissue samples.

       *Take uric acid crystals: When sharp, tiny uric acid crystals build up in a joint, painful gout flare-ups can result. When sharp, tiny oxalate crystals build up in a joint, it can be just as painful and might also cause bone erosions, cysts, and even fractures. Yet treatments that sometimes alleviate gout by lowering uric acid blood levels have no effect on oxalates, which are chemically different.

4.  Our medical tests don’t tell us much. The severity of oxalate build-up in your body does not correlate with the measured amounts of oxalate in your blood or urine at any given time. People with oxalate problems may, however, have frequent but usually brief, spikes in oxalate in their urine and perhaps in the blood also. But it is impractical to measure frequently enough to detect these patterns under normal circumstances. So this pattern is never considered.

5.  In severe cases, the kidney can be so full of oxalate, that oxalate gets trapped there and does not show up in the urine. Here is one case:  “The patient had a tremendous amount of oxalate on kidney biopsy, but did not have any crystals in the urine.” – Dr. M.M. Samarneh (2011) “Severe Oxalosis with Systemic Manifestations”.

6.  Oddly enough, the timing of symptoms doesn’t necessarily coincide with the consumption of high-oxalate foods. This is because symptoms may flare up when your body releases stored oxalates—which happens when you are not eating them.

7.  Oxalate poisoning (like many other forms of poisoning) starts as a silent and gradually progressive disease. And it affects each person differently. When the symptoms finally surface and then interfere with your life, how would you know that oxalate is triggering your symptoms, given that oxalate awareness is nonexistent?

8.  Some people may seem to tolerate high-oxalate foods, while others clearly don’t.

Even full-blown oxalate trouble may not be obvious, for a number of reasons.

1.  Ageism. Many of the problems caused by oxalates are associated with aging and are thus dismissed as normal, inevitable, and irreversible.

2.  The damage they cause comes on gradually and subtly, often below the threshold of symptoms and medical tests. For example, you usually are unaware that your bones are becoming weak, until a simple fall results in a broken bone. Doctors rarely investigate the source of the weakness in the bone that could not withstand the force of the fall.

3.  As mentioned above, there is no standard symptom picture indicating oxalate poisoning. One key reason for this is that they tend to attach to inflamed, damaged, or deteriorating cells (the “defenseless” zones). Where this occurs differs for each of us.

4.  When symptoms do appear, doctors rarely suspect oxalate poisoning is the cause—even if your first symptom is oxalate kidney stones. In fact, American doctors don’t even tell patients that kidney stones are made of oxalate, much less suggesting they learn about the oxalates in foods and steer clear of the worst offenders.

5.  Doctors even tend to downplay dietary oxalate’s power to harm people who are clearly known to be vulnerable.

Who is vulnerable to harm from oxalate?

       *Anyone making a habit of eating very high oxalate foods,

       *metabolically challenged patients, including diabetics and the elderly,

       *kidney stone and kidney disease patients, and

       *weight-loss patients treated with drugs or bariatric surgery,

Any digestive problem may increase the amount that gets in. Urinary problems may reduce the amount that the body can excrete…

Too Much Getting In + Too Little Getting Out = Oxalate Poisoning

What are the symptoms?

In any given situation, the symptoms below may or may not have anything to do with oxalate poisoning. But what they all have in common is that people who shifted to a low-oxalate diet have found relief from them. While we’re waiting for scientists to sort out how it all works, reducing oxalates in your diet is relatively simple to try and could very well make you feel better!

Pain and Connective Tissue Problems

Feeling unstable, weak, easily injured, slow to heal? Oxalates interfere with normal connective tissue maintenance and repair, leading to weak and unstable joints, thin or easily damaged skin or membranes, and prominent and persistent scarring. When oxalates accumulate in vulnerable tissues, they tend to increase scarring and prolong recovery from injury, and may also perpetuate inflammatory conditions. Concern for more complete healing is a good reason to eat a low-oxalate diet.

Joint problems like gout, rheumatoid arthritis-like joint pains, stiffness, soreness, swelling, instability, or tendonitis? Oxalates’ ability to accumulate in joint spaces, to harm connective tissues, and to trigger inflammation has implications for joint tissues. Inflammation due to oxalate accumulation may: 1) induce pain, or 2) tightness that doesn’t respond to stretching exercises, and 3) lead to joint degeneration.

Osteoporosis, weak or broken bones, cracked teeth, stenosis? Calcium is an oxalate magnet. As a chemically reactive metal, the calcium you need for strong bones and teeth combines readily with oxalic acid to form calcium oxalate. Oxalates can then accumulate in bones and teeth, displacing normal tissues and causing weakness, demineralization, and cysts.

Nerve Irritation and Dysfunction

Unrestful sleep, neuropathic pain, poor concentration, mental and emotional fatigue, mood problems, other brain function issues? Oxalates can affect your brain, so neurological problems may be a sign of oxalate trouble. Nerve irritation caused by oxalates can even cause hiccups.

Dropping things? Oxalate poisoning symptoms in motor nerves may include twitching, loss of coordination, unsteadiness, muscle weakness, or tremor, for example.

Light, noise, tooth, or skin sensitivity? Carpal tunnel syndrome?  Sensory nerve problems that include pain, changes in eyesight and hearing, or loss of visual and hearing acuity can result from oxalate poisoning.

Cognitive or mood issues? Brain symptoms including memory problems; reduced verbal fluency; difficulty concentrating, focusing, or learning; confusion (brain fog); mood issues such as irritability, depression, excitability, restlessness, anxiety, nervousness, or loss of confidence; sleep disturbances; addiction; fatigue; loss of appetite; perhaps autism—which is a developmental problem—can be a result of toxic damage to brain neurons. Oxalate is yet another toxin that contributes to the development of dementia and Parkinson’s Disease. Wanting to maintain your mental acuity is a good reason to try the low-oxalate diet (and avoid excessive carbohydrates, toxic metals, and pesticides).

Immune System Reactions

*Inflammation, autoimmune issues? Oxalates may trigger immune system reactions that get out of control in autoimmune dysfunction, leading to inflammatory “itis” diseases. This dysfunction could also contribute to a general malaise putting your whole system under siege and aggravating autoimmune conditions that affect skin, joints and other organs. Examples: rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and perhaps celiac disease. This can make you feel “worn out.”

*Thyroid problems, fatigue? Oxalates accumulate in the thyroid gland, and perhaps in other glands too. They may be an unrecognized factor in thyroid disorders. Inflammation and autoimmune issues also can cause fatigue and malaise.

*Rashes and skin problems? Skin problems and related pain can resolve on a low-oxalate diet.  Yet rashes and peeling skin are commonly reported in the early stages of transitioning to lower oxalate eating.

Digestive Damage

Digestive problems? Some oxalate micro-crystals in foods you eat have very sharp and pointy edges; needle-shaped ones can perforate mucus membrane cells. Oxalate crystals corrode your digestive system’s linings. So oxalates can trigger, aggravate, or perpetuate a wide array of digestive problems, including:


*leaky gut,

*rectal pain or bleeding, and

*irritable bowel syndrome symptoms (constipation, diarrhea, frequent bowl movements).

Bariatric surgery and a history of digestive problems can leave you with a high absorption rate of the oxalates in your food. This is a good reason to reduce your oxalate consumption.

Urogenital Problems

Urinary urgency; high urinary frequency; bladder or urethral pain; occasional incontinence; kidney pain; kidney stones; pelvic floor pain; or prostatitis?

Oxalate excess can be a key factor in all these signs of urinary tract distress.

When oxalate loads are high enough enough to overwhelm the kidney’s capacity to handle them, real problems can develop in the kidneys and elsewhere. Even if the kidneys are successfully removing the oxalate from the blood, the rest of the urinary tract may become irritated by the high levels of sharp, corrosive oxalate crystals that pass through. This may cause frequent urination, incontinence, and pain.

Private parts hurt? Both internal and external genitalia may show signs of pain, sensitivity, tenderness, instability, thin skin, and inflammation.

Nutritional Problems

Mineral deficiencies? In addition to calcium, oxalic acid in your body can combine with iron, magnesium, and other metallic nutrients your body needs, chemically locking them away into insoluble oxalate crystals. (It can also bind with lead, mercury, cadmium, and other toxic metals.)

B-vitamin deficiency? Deficiency could be due to low intake, poor absorption, birth control pills, pregnancy, or other factors.  But oxalates can be a problem here too. Oxalates use up your body’s vitamin B-6. Lowered B-6 increases oxalate production inside your body. This vicious cycle can lead to deficiency.

How to tell if it’s oxalate poisoning?

Here’s one practical way to determine for sure if oxalate poisoning is the source of your troubles.

1.  Try the low-oxalate diet,

2.  Give your body time to adjust and reduce the level of deposits, and

3.  See the difference.

It’s healthy, tasty, and won’t harm your body.  So you’ve got nothing to lose but your aches and pains.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Paleo Nacho Cheese Sauce


Paleo Nacho Cheese Sauce


SERVES: 3 cups

CUISINE: American

CATEGORY: Appetizer

PREP TIME: 5 mins


COOK TIME: 15 mins TOTAL TIME: 20 mins


  • 6 ounces peeled and cubed Hannah sweet potato, or other white-fleshed sweet potato (about 1 cup)*
  • 3 ounces peeled and diced carrots (about 1/2 cup)
  • 1 1/4 cup chicken bone broth
  • 3 tablespoons melted ghee
  • 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 1/4 cup fresh store-bought roasted tomatillo salsa**
  • 3 teaspoons arrowroot powder (or 2 teaspoons tapioca starch)
  • For Serving: Chips of choice**, guacamole, red onions, cilantro, sliced black olives

*White potatoes will also work if you tolerate them. Orange fleshed sweet potatoes will also work but will make this a little more sweet.

**Read post above for tips

– To make this vegan – substitute veggie stock and use a dairy-free butter alternative of your choice in place of the ghee

– Tapioca starch will make this sauce more “stretchy” like real cheese, but we tolerate arrowroot better.


  1. Put the potatoes, carrots, chicken stock, ghee, nutritional yeast, sea salt, garlic cloves, and salsa in the bowl of an electric pressure cooker. Secure the lid and turn the valve to seal. Cook on high pressure for 15 minutes.
  2. Release the steam and remove the lid. Transfer contents to a blender and carefully blend with the arrowroot powder on high until very smooth.
  3. Return the mixture to the pot in the pressure cooker and set the machine to sauté on high. Whisk constantly until bubbling and thickened, about 5 minutes. Turn off the machine and remove the bowl from the cooker.
  4. Serve hot with chips and toppings of choice. Store leftover sauce tightly covered in the refrigerator for 1 week. Reheat in a saucepan on low heat for 5 minutes.

For stovetop: Put the potatoes, carrots, chicken stock, ghee, nutritional yeast, sea salt, garlic cloves, and salsa in a skillet. Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce heat to medium-low. Cook for 15 minutes, until the vegetables are fork tender. Blend, then return to the skillet and cook over medium-high heat until thickened, whisking constantly.

Instant Pot Sesame-Orange Chicken


Instant Pot Sesame-Orange Chicken



CUISINE: Chinese


PREP TIME: 10 mins


COOK TIME: 15 mins TOTAL TIME: 25 mins


  • 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs
  • 1/3 cup coconut aminos
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • zest of 1 orange
  • 2 tablespoons orange juice
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
  • 2 teaspoons minced garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 3/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper
  • 2 teaspoon arrowroot powder
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • Garnish: sesame seeds and chopped green onions


  1. Trim any visible fat from the chicken, then place it in the bowl of an electric pressure cooker. Place the remaining ingredients, except sesame seeds, and toss to coat the chicken. Secure the lid and turn the valve to sealing. Turn the machine to manual high pressure for 10 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, whisk together 2 tablespoons of water with 2 teaspoons arrowroot powder. Set aside.
  3. Quick release the pressure from the machine and carefully open the lid. Spoon any fat off the top of the sauce then turn the machine to sauté. Pour in the arrowroot slurry, and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, until thickened.  Use two forks to roughly shred the chicken in the pot. Serve hot, over cauliflower rice if desired.
  4. Garnish with a sprinkle of sesame seeds and green onions.

Instant Pot Apple Pie Applesauce


Instant Pot Apple Pie Applesauce



CUISINE: American

CATEGORY: Desserts

PREP TIME: 10 mins


COOK TIME: 15 mins TOTAL TIME: 25 mins


  • 3 1/2 pounds apples (mix of gala, granny smith, and fuji)
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons ghee
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice
  • 1/8 teaspoon sea salt
  • full-fat coconut milk for serving, if desired


  1. Peel, core, and slice the apples. This machine makes the process much easier, but of course you can use a vegetable peeler and apple corer as well.
  2. Place all of the ingredients, except the coconut milk, into the bowl of an electric pressure cooker . Secure the lid and turn the valve to pressure.
  3. Select the “manual” button and set it to high pressure for 5 minutes. The machine will take about 8 to 10 minutes to get up to pressure before it starts counting down the 5 minutes, so this whole process will take about 15 minutes.
  4. Once the timer has sounded, let the machine release the pressure on it’s own by just ignoring it for 15 minutes. Alternatively, carefully place a towel over the pressure valve using an oven mitt and release the pressure. Remove the lid and use an immersion blender to puree the applesauce to your desired consistency. I love it a little chunky, but I puree it pretty smooth for the baby.
  5. Serve warm with a teaspoon of coconut milk drizzled on top, or refrigerate and enjoy chilled.

The applesauce will keep in the refrigerator for about 10 days, or you can freeze it for 6 months. Allow it to thaw overnight in the refrigerator.