Friday, June 14, 2013


I've come to a realization.

I've known for years that I suffer from food addiction. Some people argue the concept; I have no doubt that it exists and is very real in my life.

People tend to trivialize it in comparison to alcoholism. I used to do the same.

I knew that I was a food addict...but I never considered myself to be as desperate as an alcoholic.

Yes, I couldn't stop eating when I ate certain foods, namely sugar, fats, and refined carbohydrates. Any creamy "comfort" foods were impossible to stop, too.

Still, I felt that I was in control. I could, and did, choose to stop eating those foods, and within a week or so, I'd be free of cravings.

But, the time came when I once again chose to take just one bite, of bread, or a cracker, or a cookie. Just one bite...and it was all over.

Now, I have a whole new respect for food addiction. For the first time, I feel totally and completely powerless. It is destroying me and destroying my life. I am desperate, feeling like it has gotten so huge that I no longer know how to battle it. I see it destroying everything but I can't seem to get out of its clutches. It is winning; it is killing me.

I've read that food addiction becomes stronger as time goes on.

I agree.

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