Saturday, June 15, 2013


Written 4/21/11:

Morbidly obese
Constant pain from arthritis, especially in neck, back, knees, hands, hips
Carpal tunnel pain
Insomnia - usually go to bed between 2:00 and 4:00 am
Sleep apnea
Wake up during night from pain in knees, neck, hip, shoulder, and from right hand going numb
Lymphedema in both legs. Swelling, pain, discoloration, serious infections, scars from infections
Neuropathy pain. Right thigh is numb, painful to the touch, stabbing pains, itching
Pituitary Tumor, hyperprolactinemia, amennorrhea
Extremely itchy back and neck
Rash all over back, neck, chest, stomach, arms (Candida)
Itchy, irritated scalp
Broken out across cheeks (not sure if it's acne, Rosacea, or from the CPAP machine)
Cannot walk for more than a few feet without extreme pain in back, hips
Cannot stand for more than a few minutes without the same pain
Occasional sciatic pain
Sinus problems, problems breathing, clearing throat
Frequent sore throats
Wheezing, easily winded
Memory problems
Depressed, overwhelmed, angry, discontent
Rarely leave the house
Never want to leave the house
Don't want to talk to people
Addicted to the computer
Crave carbs: bread, crackers, sweets

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