Thursday, June 27, 2013

Protective Diet

I've tried almost every diet in the book.  I've been successful at many of them...but it was always short lived.  I lost over 100 pounds eight years ago, only to regain it and then some.

At the beginning of 2012, I started an anti-inflammatory diet, hoping that I would be able to ease some of the arthritis pain I deal with.  For three months, I ate nothing except chicken, fish, vegetables, and fruit.  I weighed in at my doctor's office, only to discover that I'd gained weight!  I was so discouraged!

I'd already cut out dairy, and then I cut out meat, too.  I still didn't lose.  Eventually, I became discouraged, and started eating sugar and some dairy again.  I also continued to gain weight.

After getting my hormones under control with medication, I decided to try again.  I looked at Dr. Fuhrman's plan, but so many of the recipes have nuts in them, and we can't have nuts in the house because of my son's allergies.  I watched Forks Over Knives, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, and Rip Esselyston's movie.  They all made sense to me.  I tried some of their recipes.  Some were good and others were not so good.

I'd run across some recipes from Plant Purity, but I hadn't tried any of them.  I later discovered that the name had been changed from Plant Purity to Protective Diet.  I was happy that the plan didn't include nuts.  I was a little hesitant about eliminating oils from my diet, especially since I was eating a lot of organic coconut oil.  People told me that I needed oil, that my hair and skin would dry out if I didn't eat it.

Still, I decided to go for it.  I've loved every single recipe I've made so far.  It's hard to believe that some of them are healthy because they taste so rich and decadent!  I don't feel like I'm giving up a thing, and I look forward to preparing and eating my meals. 

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