Tuesday, February 17, 2015

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 1

I've been working on dealing with emotional eating, and what I've learned is that the issue is twofold: first and foremost, there's the emotional aspect, and second, is the physical aspect, food addiction.

Not everyone believes in food addiction, but that's not important to me.  I live with it, and that's the extent of my argument.    I learned that I was a food addict about 10 years ago.  I joined a program that eliminated sugar in all forms, flour, and processed foods.  I felt great, and all food cravings were eliminated.  The problem was that I didn't like eating animal products, which were required in that program.

Fast forward to a whole foods, plant-based diet, and I convinced myself that I would no longer deal with food addiction if I was eating WFPB.  I was actually assured that the food I was eating in my program wouldn't cause cravings.  The only problem is that I was having significant cravings!

I was searching for information on how to combine WFPB with food addiction, but I wasn't finding much...until recently.  Chef AJ and John Pierre created a program called Ultimate Weight Loss, which addresses food addiction.

So, I'm going to continue to work on the emotional aspect, while eating this way.  I feel like, after all these years, I've found what I need.

Today is Day 1, and I'm excited to get started!


1) get a food journal, a note book or an app.
2) get a pedometer. be conscious of how much you are moving
3) stay connected, post and read the boards.



1. This program
2. Whole foods that don't cause cravings
3. My family, who support me
4. Clean water
5. My health, and the hopes that I can get better


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