Friday, February 20, 2015

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 3

My headache is subsiding!

It's soooo cold out, and I couldn't get warm.  All I wanted was something thick and hearty, so I started putting everything that came to mind into the soup pot: black beans, kidney beans, corn, tomatoes, hominy, lots of smoked paprika and cumin (my favorites!), some cheeze sauce, and I forget what else.  Oh yeah, brown rice!

It warmed me least for a while.  Tonight, I had my first ever cup of hot water with some lemon juice squeezed into it.  It was good (I don't care for it cold) and again, it did the trick.

I've had a few food cravings, but nothing I haven't been able to deep breathe my way through.  Seriously, it works!  I breathe in for the count of five, hold my breath for the count of five, exhale for five, and hold for five.  Good stuff!

From JP:
"Sitting is the new smoking, GET OFF YOUR SEAT AND ON YOUR FEET."

1.  My oldest son brought home a beautiful white rose for me!
2.  Nick brought me some new greens to try, plus spinach, butternut squash, and lots of sweet potatoes from the CSA
3.  Being able to comfort my very frightened son
4.  Playing cards with my daughter
5.  My computer, which keeps me connected


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