Saturday, February 21, 2015

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 5

A good day.  Listened to the teleclass again, and got even more from it.

Very thirsty - drinking lots of water.

Headache is gone but still very tired.  Not pushing myself at all - practicing kindness instead.

I made some hummus today.  It was kind of tough to get used to without any salt in it.  I'll try again tomorrow.

I also made Chef AJ's Ultimate Sauce.  So delicious over a big Cruciferous Crunch salad from Trader Joe's!

I think that I need to stop making recipes for a while, and just eat plain food.  I notice that I get a little crazy when confronted with a huge pot full of soup or chili, and I end up overeating.  I froze quite a few jars of chili and soup today, but it still feels like too much, and then I feel like I have to eat it to get rid of it.

When I make some of these recipes in the future, I'll cut them in half for sure.  Maybe that will help.




I felt a little down (okay, a lot) after seeing myself in the mirror, so I'm working on positive affirmations.


1.  Believing that I can learn to love myself
2.  The UWL group and all of the support there
3.  The Emotional Eating group, also with lots of support and understanding
4.  Beautiful snow today
5.  A peaceful day


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