Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thai Chili / Sloppy Joe - recipe to try


Thai Chili / Sloppy Joe

Chili without the oxalates!! This easy and flexible “hamburger extender” can be eaten as a main dish, used in wraps, or as a chili garnish for hot dogs. Use lamb or pork, if desired. This approach also works with left-over meats – like a “hash”.

Thai Chili / Sloppy Joe

  • Servings: 4-6
  • Oxalates: Low
  • Time: Prep: 20 minutes; Total: 1 hour
  • Difficulty: Easy
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Thai Chili ingredients ready for cooking.

Thai Chili ingredients ready for cooking.

2 T beef tallow, lard, or coconut oil

6 ounces turnips, peeled and diced (est. 8 mg oxalate)

1 onion (6 – 8 ounces, red or yellow), peeled and diced (est. 10 mg oxalate)

¼ tsp. coriander (5 mg oxalate)

½ tsp salt

1 pound ground beef or other meat

2 T Thai red curry paste

12 ounces (1 can) coconut milk

2 tsp. potato starch

2 T Frank’s hot sauce

Cilantro leaves for garnish

Lime wedges for serving


Dish of Chili served with acron squash and garnished with chopped cliantro and lime wedge

Chili served with acorn squash

  1. Sauté turnips and onions in the fat for 15 minutes on medium-low.
  2. Turn heat up to medium. Add ground coriander, salt and ground beef. Cook just long enough to brown the meat.
  3. Add the curry paste and stir to incorporate.
  4. Combine the coconut milk and potato starch, then add to meat mixture.
  5. Simmer on low heat until the sauce thickens, about 10 minutes.
  6. Add hot sauce.
  7. Serve as a sloppy joe mix, or use as you would any chili. Garnish with cilantro leaves or lime wedges. Squeeze lime over portion before eating.

Possible vegetarian option: You might try mushrooms. Raw portabellas have about 6 mg oxalate per cup. Let me know if this works in this recipe. -S

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