Saturday, July 27, 2013

Being Prepared

My six-year-old ended up in the ER on Tuesday and was admitted, had surgery, and returned home today.

In the past, I would have said that there was no way that I could stick with my diet plan under those circumstances.  The hospital cafeteria didn't have any vegan entrees, and the stress was too much.

This time, I didn't even consider that.  I checked the menu carefully, and asked for plain oatmeal, and the fruit and cottage cheese platter without the cottage cheese, which meant melons, grapes, and bananas.  I skipped the apple wedges because they were treated to stop discoloration.  I ate brown rice and plain baked potatoes, until I noticed an oily mark on my plate and realized that the potato skins were rubbed with oil or butter.  I ate some salads after my husband ran home and picked up my Ranch Dressing that I'd made the day before. 

I also had some frozen baked beans and burgers in the freezer, so he brought those. 

It really showed me that life can change in a minute and I need to always be prepared.  I'm going to make more dishes to put in the freezer, and I'm also going to make up a little bag that's always ready to go, with things like canned beans, tomatoes, and utensils, a can opener, and other necessities. 

I may not be away for five days next time, but even unexpected hours away from home can lead to problems.  I'm not going to count on others (people or restaurants) to have food for me; I'm going to take responsibility for that myself!  No excuses!  :)

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