Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Shift

Something shifted inside today.  I'm starting to remember what it's like to feel good.  I did chair yoga this morning, and aside from a phone call in the middle of it, during which I got to listen to my son screaming, it was so relaxing.  In addition to feeling good, I'd forgotten what it felt like to relax.

I've lost 21 pounds, but the pounds aren't my focus.  I'm focusing on feeling good, on getting better, even when the doctors tell me that I can't.  I absolutely love the food I'm eating, and I know that my body loves it, too!  There is no deprivation, no hunger.  I would never consider this to be a diet; it's the way I want to eat.

I love what happens when I'm off of sugar.  My head is less spacy; I have mental clarity.  I can taste food again, the sweetness of a carrot, the wonderful blend of herbs and spices, the crisp crunch of cucumber.  Fruit is a treat to be savored and enjoyed.  It tastes better than any candy.

I have a long journey ahead, I know that.  I'm working on living in the moment, enjoying the moment, and trusting that I don't have to worry about the future.

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