Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday, 11/11/13

Interesting menu today...I was so busy baking that I didn't do much cooking!  I started feeling badly about having apple muffins for lunch, until I stopped and thought about the ingredients: rolled oats, fruit, nondairy's really good food!  I  have to change my mindset about thinking that certain foods are 'bad'. 

I didn't take a picture of dinner because it wasn't exactly pretty.  :)  It tasted good, though, and I was thankful that I had food prepared that I could just mix together in a bowl and enjoy eating! 

I played around with making BBQ Chickpeas today.  They were okay but not quite where I'd like them to be.  I'll try again because I think they'd make a nice snack!

Breakfast:  Nick's Chocolate Oatmeal

Lunch: Apple Muffins

Blueberry Muffin

Dinner: Mashed Potatoes, chickpeas, BBQ Sauce, Salad (mixed greens, carrots, cherry tomatoes, chickpeas) with Italian Dressing

BBQ Chickpeas

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