Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday, 11/25/13

Great day today!  Feeling good - more energy, more optimism.  Saw Dr. R this morning.  BP was 104/74!  This time a year ago it was 147/100.  Dr. R reminded me that, not so long ago, I was completely defeated, resigning myself to the fact that I would never get better.  I had given up.  Today, she was thrilled to see me looking forward, talking about the healing that has taken place and the healing that I trust is going to continue.  I'm thankful for the reminder, and for feeling as good as I feel today!

Breakfast: Blueberry Oatmeal

Lunch: Rainy Day Minestrone, sprinkled with nutritional yeast

Plain popcorn

Dinner: Mexican Beans & Rice with Cheeze Sauce; Salad: baby spinach, romaine, carrots, yellow bell pepper, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes

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