Saturday, November 2, 2013

Saturday, 11/02/13

I had good intentions today.  I spent a lot of time cleaning up the kitchen because I didn't have the energy to do it last night.  I cooked today, but ran out of energy before I could make the salad that I'd planned to have with lunch.  I also fell short in the fruit department, although the pumpkin pie had bananas and fresh applesauce in it, and the ice cream had bananas and black cherries.

I feel like I'm making excuses when I say that I ran out of energy, but I'm really not.  I'm doing so much better than I was a few months ago, but I'm still in a lot of pain when I cook.  I have to sit down a lot between different steps of a recipe, and even then, I'm usually left shaking because the pain is so bad.  I know that this will get better, and I try to go easy on myself when I don't eat as well as I would like.  I have to remind myself that, compared to what I was eating six months ago, I'm doing a great job!

Breakfast: Pumpkin Pie Flop  :)

Lunch: Chili Mac

Dinner: Roasted Veggies in Mushroom Gravy, Mashed Potatoes

PD Guiltless Chocolate Banana Ice Cream (with black cherries)

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