Monday, March 2, 2015

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 14

I attempted to do a fruit and veggie day today, along with some UWL friends.  It didn't feel right.  Although I love my veggies, I ate more fruit than I normally would have, and I had feelings of deprivation.  I attempted to work through that, but by 7:00 PM, I had a terrible headache and felt awful.  I didn't have the option of going to bed, so I decided to eat a good dinner.  It felt like the right thing to do, and I'm glad that I did it.


1.  A new team to help our family
2.  Another good day with E, even when Nick was out tonight
3.  My UWL teleclass
4.  Reconnecting with friends
5.  No self-condemnation


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