Monday, March 9, 2015

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 21

I love Geneen Roth's words!  I've let the scale tell me that I'm a piece of crap for a long time now.  Most of my life, actually.  It's just been in the past few months that I've been able to accept that maybe, just maybe, I'm an okay person right now.  I can say the words, but the thoughts and feelings go deep, and it's going to be a process to get me to a place where I really totally believe it.  All I know is that just starting to believe that I'm okay the way I am has enabled me to open up about being a food addict, which is so incredibly freeing.  And I know that it's going to keep getting better...


1.  An amazing day with E
2.  A good visit with Melissa
3.  An awesome attorney
4.  A good talk with Nick
5.  Accomplished the 21-Day Challenge!  Can't wait for Day 22!


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