Friday, March 20, 2015

Eating Right, In Spite of It All

Today, on this first day of spring, I traveled an hour in the snow to see a new doctor for my back.  I'm going to get injections right after my x-ray and MRI are done, and I'm looking forward to it! The pain is crazy, and has gotten noticeably worse since being so stressed out. 

I can't even wrap my head around what's happening with my little sister. After being sick for a couple of weeks, she had a scan that showed some masses.  She saw the oncologist, he immediately sent her to the ER and had her admitted. She has numerous tumors in her uterus and peritoneum, and one kidney is shut down from a tumor pressing on it. She has eight doctors on her team, and they're shocked at how sick she is considering that she had a clear CT scan one year ago. She has surgery first thing Monday morning.  She's never been hospitalized before in her life.

My youngest son hasn't been at school in three weeks because of extreme anxiety brought on by his teacher giving him something he was allergic to and the subsequent EpiPen, ambulance ride, and trip to the ER. We're fighting with the school district to get home education for him while we're touring schools, looking for a suitable placement for him. His anxiety heightened after we discovered our neighbor's house across the street on fire last weekend, and he saw the police kick in the door, and smoke come billowing out, and hours of sirens and lights and firefighters on our little street. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but their dog died in the fire. Now my little guy barely leaves my side, and is terrified that he's going to die from eating something he's allergic to, or from our house being on fire. It's heartbreaking and exhausting, all at once. 

I'm just putting one foot in front of the other, eating what I have to eat, and trying to remember to breathe. I'm going to cook as much as I can tomorrow because I'm spending the day at the hospital with my sister on Sunday.  I'm thankful that I'm abstinent during this, because I know that I'd feel so much worse if I buried all of this stress and sadness in food.

Another positive is that the scale in the doctor's office showed that I'm down 27 pounds.  Weight comes off of me very slowly because of the pituitary tumor, so I'm thankful and amazed that this weight is gone!


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