Thursday, March 19, 2015

Ultimate Weight Loss with Chef AJ and John Pierre

I completed Chef AJ and John Pierre's 21-Day Challenge on Ultimate Weight Loss with full compliance.  I feel so different than I did three weeks ago!

Three weeks ago, I felt:






I hurt from head to toe.  
It hurt to move, 
so I did so only when absolutely necessary.

Today, I feel:





I hurt from head to toe.  


Well, I do, but I don't hurt nearly as much 
as I did just three shorts weeks ago.  
I'm moving more, and the fibro 
and back pain is subsiding a little bit.

I refuse to let the scale define my progress, but I did weigh before and after, and in 21 days, I dropped 23 pounds.  I did it by eating as much food as I wanted, food that tasted wonderful and was filling and satisfying.

I had headaches for a few days after starting, as the toxins from caffeine and sugars and processed foods exited my body.  I had cravings then, too.  Today, the cravings are gone, and I can't wait for my veggies each morning!  

It just amazes me how quickly our taste buds can change, and how quickly healing can begin.

I can't wait to see where I go with this!


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