Thursday, March 12, 2015

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 24

Today was tough.  Lots of sadness.  Upon hearing sad news, my first immediate reaction was to turn to food.  I was shocked because, minutes earlier, I'd felt as strong as ever.  Just that quickly it all changed.  I continued to want to eat and drink throughout the remainder of the day.

The difference this time is that I didn't act on it.  I recognized it as an old habit to stress and pain.  Then I allowed myself to feel the emotions instead of stuffing them.  I allowed the tears to come and I verbalized how I felt.  I said no to the urge to eat, whereas I used to feel completely powerless to say no.

In the past, I would have classified today as a bad day.  It wasn't a bad, though.  It was a good day, during which I was hit with some difficult news.

There was still a lot of good in today.


1.  I didn't eat over difficult news
2.  I allowed myself to cry and acknowledge my feelings
3.  I had another good day with E
4.  Two of the kids' therapists who went way above and beyond today
5.  A visit with my in-laws


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