Saturday, May 9, 2020

Grocery Stores/Itemized List

** = best pricing
OG = Organic
Sam’s Club / Santa Clarita, California
** Walnuts 3lb $12.98
** OG Spring mix $3.35
**OG Spinach $3.35
** Avocado oil 1 Liter $7.99
** OG Mini Carrots (3lb) $3.28
** Brussel Sprouts $3.66
Cole Slaw $1.79
Avocados (5 count) $3.85
Lemons (3lb) $3.29
** Broccoli $3.32
Celery $2.48
8 cans chicken $9.28
OG Mushrooms $5.45
Asparagus $2.86
WC Salmon $24.98
WC Mahi Mahi $17.98
WC Red Shrimp $16.98
NZ Grass Fed/finished Lamb $12.13
** Wholly Moly Guac <18 pack> $9.98
Costco / Santa Clarita, California
** Cinsulin $18.5 (sale $14.59)
OG Carrots 5lbs $4.99 <now come in 2x 2.5lbs/bags which is nice>
Feta cheese $6.99
Wholly Moly Guac mini’s <24pack> $13.99 <freeze, use as needed>
OG Spinach $3.99
OG Celery $4.99
** Kirkland Goat cheese logs (duo pack) $6.59 <2 logs, I freeze one, reconstitutes very well>
Avocados (6 count) $5.99
Romaine Hearts (6pack) $2.99
OG Bella mushrooms 24oz $5.99
** Heavy Cream 10.99 <>
** Kirkland Balsamic Vinegar $10.99
Box Pellegrino $12.50
** OG MCT (duo pack) $22.99
EVVO $13.69
** Avocado Spray (duo pack) $5.89
Karma Kafe $14.99
Manuka honey $36.99 <one off purchase, I can’t have this!>
** CoQ10 $34.99 (sale -$7 = $27.99)
Brie (duo pack) $5.89
Blueberries $4.49
** Almond Flour $12.99
Pecans (2lbs) $13.49
Avocado Oil 1 Liter $9.69
Canned WC Salmon (5 pack) $12.99 <I haven’t seen this in the past months>
Albacore Tuna (huge can) $13.99 <this was for my dog, I inventory here>
** Spanish Olives $8.90
** Black olives 8pack $9.59
WC Frozen Tuna $14.59
** OG Butter 2lb $9.79
WC Sardines $9.99
Cello Whisps $9.99
Espresso $13.99
** Macadamias $17.99
**Pistachio (husked) $13.79
Broccoli $4.99
** OG Romaine (6pack) $3.99
OG Living Butter Lettuce $4.29
** OG Riced Cauli $6.89
OG Brussel Sprouts $5.49
Asparagus $5.49 <$1 sale>
** Cali Rice Bags of 10 – shelf $9.99 <LOVE these!>
Basil Pesto 22oz $8.49
** Kirkland Tuscany EVOO $13.99
OG Jose Mayan Coffee $10.94 <<sale $2>>
Walnuts 3lb $14.99
Aldi / Santa Clarita, CaliforniaSlivered blanched almonds $2.89
Estate Coffee $5.79
Spanish Cheese $4.29
Spanish olives $.99
Jicama $2.50
Dijon Mustard $.99
** OG Celery $1.99
Red Onion $0.80
Wine $2.59
** Wild Caught Cod (8) $9.89
** Wild Caught Salmon (4) $3.99
** Wild Caught Flounder (8) $2.20
** WC Pollock (4) $4.99
** Avocado $0.55 <hands down they have the best prices on avocados here [low @.37cents]>
Parmesan (shredded) $1.99
Almond Milk $1.99
Green Onions $0.89
** Vanilla $3.99
Artichokes $2.79
Pesto $2.19 OG
Coconut Oil $3.99
Asparagus $1.95
** WC Cold water shrimp $5.99

Walmart / Santa Clarita, California Whole Earth Erythritol 1lb $5.99
EVOO Spray $ 2.98
Avocado Spray $4.48
Swerve $7.68
Monk Fruit Sweetener $ 6.84
Almond Flour 2lb $ 10.98
Iodize salt $1.78
Wild Caught Tuna $1.74
Capers $1.74
Organic Cabbage $.78/lb (really $1.26/lb)
** Almond Milk Gallon $4
Garlic (peeled/bag/produce) $1.99
Garlic (chopped/jar) $1.99
Pyure Stevia $5.48
** Pickled Okra $3.59
Sprouts / Santa Clarita, California
Onions 3lb $3.99
** Apple Cider Vinegar $3.50
Cream Cheese $4.49
Coconut Yogurt $5.99
Egg replacer $3.79
** Rosemary Flackers $4.99
** Tapioca Flour $2.99
OG Cocount Cream $2.49
Konjac Noodles $2.99
Dry Shitake Mushrooms $2.29
Light Coconut Milk $1.79
Shiritake Noodle Soup $3.99
1Quart Raw Milk $5.99
Coconut Amino (soy sauce) $5.99
Jicama @ $0.99/lb
** OG 2lb Sweet Onions $2.99
OG Leeks @ $1.99/lb
** OG Cassava Flour $4.99
** OG Sprouts Tahini $5.99
UNSW Coconut Yogurt $4.21
Van Coconut Yogurt $4.21
** Nut Pods Vanilla Creamer $3.49 <sale $2.99>
A2 Milk $4.99
Pasture (humanely) Raised Bacon $9.49
Rebel Ice Cream $0.99
Sweet Potato Chip $3.59
** Zevia 6pack $3.50 <watch for sales>
OG Celery Hearts $2.99
** OG Romaine Hearts (3pack) $2.99
OG Kale $0.99
** OG Sour Cream $2.99
** Coconut Tortilla Chips <OG> $3.99
**Coconut Tortilla Chips <Pink Himalayan> $3.99
Trader Joes / Santa Clarita, California** OG Arugula $2.29
** Coconut Aminoes $2.79
** Kale $2.49
Cole slaw $1.99
Brussel Sprouts $3.49
French Butter 8.8oz $3.29
Lemon $1.69
Broccoli slaw $ 1.69
** Coconut Chips 10oz $1.99
** Cauliflower gnocchi $2.69
** Sliced Blanched Roasted Almonds $3.49
** Montezuma 100% Dark chocolate w/ nibs $2.99
Shrimp $9.99
Cilantro $1.19
Mint $1.79
Broccoli 8oz $2.79
** Scallops $17.99
Basil 4oz $2.79
** Dark Chocolate 85% $2.99
Flaxseed $2.79
Bella mushrooms 8oz $1.99
Hemp seed $5.99
Spanish Olives $2.29
Greek kalamata olives $2.99
Buffalo Ghee $2.99
Ghee $3.99
Goat Milk Yogurt $5.49
** OG Vegetable Broth (compliant) $1.99
** ½ Dozen Eggs $2.49
Asparagus $1.99
** OG Red Onions $3.29
OG Herbs $1.79
** OG Yellow Onions $2.79
OG Coconut Cream $2.29
Parsley $1.19
** OG Free Range Chicken Broth $1.99
Baby Beets (8oz) $2.29
Herb plants $1.99
Celery $1.99
OG Banana $0.25
** Green Goddess Dressing $3.99
Triple Bri $4.90
** OG Romaine (3pack) $2.29
Whole Foods / Santa Clarita, California**Ground Beef grass fed/finished $8.99/lb
**Lamb $11.99/lb (cost $3.60/5oz)
Veggie Burger $2.99
Coconut Tortilla Chips $3.99
Plantain Chips $4.99
** 365 Stevia Liquid $17.99 <NO additives!>
** Mike’s muffins $4.99 ($7.49)
Eggs $4.69
** Sorghum $3.29
** Siete Almond flour tortillas $7.99
Organic banana $.69/lb 1 = $0.28
** Puffed Millet cereal $2.19
Zevia 6pack $4.99
** Hemp Tofu $3.49
Nori $4.99
Flackers $3.99
Roasted Seaweed $5.99
Sweet Potato Chips $3.99
** OG Grass fed/finished Beef <packaged/previous frozen> $6.99/1lb
Coconut Yogurt $6.49
** Miracle Rice $2.49

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