Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Biggest Baddest Healthiest Salad on the Planet

To strengthen your body’s ability to fight cancer, you need to eat what I ate:The biggest baddest healthiest salad on the planet!
It consists of raw organic vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, and homemade dressing.
This salad is super healthy, delicious, and will fill you up without zapping your energy.
The raw vegan diet was a huge part of my anti-cancer strategy and I ate this salad every day, sometimes twice a day, during the first few years of my chemo-free cancer battle.
I wanted to put as many vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and enzymes into my body as possible and there’s no better way than juicing and eating fresh raw organic fruits and vegetables.
Now there’s really no secret formula to this salad, but there are some guidelines to follow:
Absolutely no cheese, meat, fruit, or store-bought salad dressing.
It is important that you use 
organic produce, which is free of toxic chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
And of course wash everything before you eat it. Then just chop it all up and throw it in a bowl!
Note: You’re gonna need a bigger bowl.
The Giant Cancer Fighting Salad
-I like to start with some dark green lettuce.  Most folks think of salads as a bowl full of lettuce.  
I’m light on the lettuce, heavy on the vegetables.

(Note: avoid iceberg lettuce, it has almost zero nutritional value.)

-Greens: Arugula, Baby Spinach, Baby Romain, Kale, Mache, etc.
-Slice of red onion
-Purple cabbage
-1/2 an Avocado

-Sprouted Garbanzo Beans
-Sprouted Lentils
-Other Sprouts: Brocco, etc.

Repeat: Absolutely no cheese, meat, fruit, or store-bought salad dressing.
I know it seems weird to exclude fruit.  Here’s why:
Fruits and vegetables need different digestive juices, and when eaten together can create excess acid and indigestion, and internal acidity promotes disease.
That is why they should be eaten separately.  This even includes non-sweet fruits like tomatoes.
If you want to know more, there are entire books devoted to the subject of
 food combining.
My Homemade “Zesty Italian” Salad Dressing
This is hands down the healthiest salad dressing on the planet!
It’s super easy and delicious.  Here’s how you make it:

-Liberally drizzle Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil over your salad
-Lightly drizzle Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to taste
-Organic Oregano or Italian Seasoning
-Organic Garlic Powder

I can’t tell you many times I have eaten this salad!   Over a thousand I bet.
And what’s funny is I have several books filled with of raw vegan meal recipes, but the Giant Salad ended up being my staple meal.
Most days I ate it for lunch and dinner. I didn’t care about eating the same thing every day, because it was simple and quick to prepare.  I didn’t have to put much time into planning my meals and it’s so delicious and full of flavor it never got old!
Watch a video of me making this salad and salad dressing HERE.
And for aspiring chefs out there who want some challenging raw food recipes,
check out 
The Raw Gourmet by Nomi Shannon.

The crucial first (and best) step is eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game like: berries, cruciferous veggies, and garlic.
Eating 5-9 servings of fruit and vegetables per day greatly reduces your risk for all diet-related diseases.
The foundation of my anti-cancer strategy was consuming 15-20 servings of organic fruits and vegetables per day by juicing, eating my giant cancer-fighting saladand drinking my anti-cancer fruit smoothie.

Note: I think it would be wise for cancer patients to avoid red wine and tuna, and to consume dark chocolate (raw cacao) sparingly. 

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