Sunday, May 17, 2020

Vegetable Fritters - To Try

Succulent vegetable fritters I love it when I hit a home run! You know, when you take that first bite and the texture and flavor are just right. The outside was crispy, a great feat since this was flourless. The inside was perfectly cooked and melted in my mouth. Literally, probably the crumbled goat cheese. It was a great outcome because I adlibbed as I went. I put all the ingredients in a bowl, then mixed eggs in the blender and poured them into the other ingredients, then scooped a heaping spoon into the pan and fried three at a time in avocado oil. The eggs started to spread out, as they began to set, I urged them back to the thicker part of the fritter. Topped off with sliced scallions and raw beet kraut. (Notice no additional salt sine the Seitenbacher veg/broth & seasoning was salty).
~ Susan Kaufman Fleisher

1 medium onion chopped
2 Tbsp dried minced onions
4 med. lg. mushrooms, chopped
4 whole pastured eggs 
4 additional yolks
1/2 bag frozen riced cauliflower
3 oz goat cheese crumbled
2 cups arugula
2 tsp veggie broth 
1 Tbsp coconut milk
Avocado oil for frying
Scallions (garnish)

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