Saturday, September 19, 2020

Healthy Low Histamine Meal Ideas


14 Healthy Low Histamine Meal Ideas for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance + Dessert Options! (Also Low Lectin, Low Oxalate)

Sometimes when you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance, food can seem like the enemy. And even more so if you have to avoid foods beyond just Histamines. I also have to eat low Lectin, low Oxalate, and low Glutamate. This is because all of these make my Mast Cell Activation and Histamine Intolerance worse.

If you want to learn more about how Histamines, Lectins, and Oxalates affect Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance, be sure to read these posts:

Do you need to worry about Oxalates and Lectins with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance?

What to Eat (and NOT eat!) with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome – Going Beyond Low Histamine Lists

Some people have trouble with other types of foods as well. This can include salicylates, sulfur foods, FODMAPs, glutamates, and others.

What are your food triggers? Do you feel like there is nothing left? If so, hang in there…

I don’t want you to feel like food is the enemy. Food is how we nourish our bodies. And eating healthy foods is one of the main ways we heal. If you feel like food is your enemy, you have to change your mindset. You have to start seeing food as your friend. I hope these meal ideas will help you do that.

Healthy Meal Ideas for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance + Dessert Options!

Now, on to the Meal Ideas and Desserts! Here are some of my favorite meal ideas for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance. I really hope you enjoy these. And I hope they help you make food your friend again.

I’m including a few different kinds of options under each category. But don’t feel limited. You can have dinner foods for breakfast. You can have breakfast for lunch. Listen to your body and see what your body needs and wants to eat.

Low Histamine, Low Oxalate, Low Lectin Breakfast ideas for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance

I don’t eat breakfast anymore. I’m never really hungry in the morning. And I feel so much better when I give my gut, pancreas, and liver a break by not eating frequent meals. Plus, just eating and digesting releases histamine and triggers mast cells. So, by doing intermittent fasting, you can really reduce your histamine levels and mast cell activation.

This is a huge step in healing when you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or Histamine Intolerance. Just make sure you go slow and follow the precautions if you have blood sugar or adrenal issues. You can read the article here: Should you skip breakfast? Intermittent Fasting for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance

You may need to eat breakfast, though. If you do, that’s ok. Again, it is most important to listen to what your body needs at this point in time. Your body is always changing, so what you need will change.

Here are some breakfast ideas:

Low Histamine Breakfast “Yogurt” Parfait – this is a thick, creamy yogurt substitute made with coconut cream. Coconut has anti-inflammatory properties. You could top this with anti-histamine promoting blueberries! You’ll need to eat some protein with this.

Low Histamine Scones – this is one of my favorite recipes. I take a break from Intermittent Fasting usually 1 to 2 days a week, and this is my go-to. I love these Scones topped with histamine-reducing blueberries or cherries. I use cassava flour, which has been shown in research to also be histamine-lowering. You’ll need to add some protein to make it a well-rounded breakfast.

Low Histamine Bacon with Southern Greens – oh how I love bacon. But it is too high histamine. You can imagine I was really excited with this low histamine bacon recipe using pork belly. If you use pastured pork, the fat in this is healthy for you in moderation. You need saturated fat for hormone production and to keep your brain healthy. If you tolerate eggs, this is great with a couple fried eggs.

Breakfast Hash: Make hash of shredded rutabagas, Brussel sprouts, and turnips. Cook in ghee and top with a fried pasture-raised egg (if tolerated) or shredded chicken.

Histamine-Lowering Green Smoothie: Blend any combination of: 1 T flax meal, lettuce, 1/2 green apple, blueberries, fennel bulb and greens, cardamom seeds, fresh cilantro, fresh oregano, fresh rosemary, fresh mint, watercress, a few red cabbage leaves, ginger, stevia

Low Histamine, Low Oxalate, Low Lectin Lunch ideas for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance

Low Histamine Roast Chicken Salad with Rosemary dressing Mast Cell 360

Now, on to the lunch ideas! Lunch can really be anything you make it. I usually have leftovers for lunch – that was frozen right after cooking. Lunch for me can also be a salad full of histamine-lowering veggies with some protein and healthy fat. Or a quick wrap.

I usually try to make lunch my bigger meal of the day. This way dinner can be lighter. If you eat lighter before you sleep, you will usually sleep deeper.

Low Histamine Roasted Garlic “Hummus” with Veggie Sticks – this hummus using histamine-lowering cauliflower and garlic. Cauliflower is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat according to Eating on the Wild Side by Jo Robinson. You’ll have a complete meal if you add some hard-boiled eggs or a piece of roasted chicken.

Low Histamine Creamy Cauliflower Veggie Soup – are you seeing the cauliflower pattern here? I blended cauliflower into the base for this soup. It is very hearty when you add chicken.

Roast Chicken Salad with Rosemary Dressing – ok, no actual cauliflower in this one. This salad is light and refreshing, but hearty enough to hold you over.

Low Histamine Cassava Tortillas – I like to whip up 3-4 batches of these at a time and freeze them. That way it is so easy to pull them out of the fridge. Just heat, add fillings and enjoy! I like to toss in chicken, lettuce, and the “hummus” above to make this into a wrap.

Low Histamine, Low Oxalate, Low Lectin Dinner ideas for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance

Some people do like dinner to be heartier. So, I went with more classic dinner ideas here. Just remember not to eat too close to bedtime. It can keep you from sleeping well because of the histamine release from digesting.

Low Histamine Pizza Recipe – this uses a cauliflower “white sauce,” low histamine pesto, leftover chicken, and a cassava crust. I really love it with sautéed shallots. It takes a little while the first time. But if you make extra white sauce, pesto, and shallots, it will go so much quicker the next time. I can have this start to finish in 30 minutes if I pull these from the freezer.

Rosemary Roasted Garlic Pork Chops – there is something amazing about these pork chops when they are baked on low. I put crushed garlic and ghee on top. The garlic gets a little roasted. The flavor is fabulous.

Instant Pot – Lowest Histamine EVER Chicken/Pork Roast – this is the lowest histamine way to cook meat. It isn’t as flavorful or quite as tender as roasting in the oven. But you can cook a whole chicken or roast from frozen solid to done in less than 90 minutes.

Super Easy Low Histamine Roast Chicken – this is how to roast a chicken and keep the histamine levels low. It isn’t as low histamine as the Instant Pot method. But it works if you don’t have an Instant Pot yet.

Low Histamine, Low Oxalate, Low Lectin Side ideas for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance:

Low Histamine Coleslaw Recipe

  • Low Histamine Coleslaw
  • Wilted Arugula topped with Low Histamine Bacon
  • Mashed cauliflower
  • Roasted Brussel sprouts
  • Steamed carrots and broccoli
  • Steamed Asparagus
  • Sautéed Shallots
  • Bok Choy with ginger and Sesame oil
  • Salad

Low Histamine, Low Oxalate, Low Lectin Dessert ideas for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance

Low Histamine Cassava Flour Blueberry Muffins 2

Finally, the desserts! Now, I do have to tell you I don’t use any sugar. I try to keep my blood sugar well managed. So I eat low carb 5 days a week. This is because blood sugar spikes can affect the mast cells. I have a dessert once a week at most.  It is really important to avoid sugar. Be sure to stick to healthy desserts like these. And even still, don’t overindulge. 

Macadamia Nut Butter Fudge – this gets a fudge like texture when you freeze it. It is very decadent!

Easy Low Histamine Blender Blueberry Muffins – many people think of muffins as a breakfast food. But too many carbs at breakfast can make you tired and hungrier though the day. It is better to have carbs at night, which can help sleep. These are really good.

Low Histamine Scones – I listed these under breakfast. They make a great dessert too. You can top them with frozen cherries – either cold or warmed into a sauce. If you top with the whipped coconut cream, they will really be quite the dessert.

Easy Low Histamine Mango Ice Cream – this is so easy, it is tempting to make it all the time. I love how creamy this is. If you like mango, you are in for quite the treat!

More about Low Histamine Foods Lists and Figuring out Your Food Triggers

If you work off the Low Histamine Foods List and are still reacting, you may have other food sensitivities. If this is the case, you can reach out to me for help. I can help you create your own cross-referenced customized list, no matter what your food sensitivities are. I can also recommend the right testing to figure out what is affecting you the most.

My client “Janet” was struggling with a lot of food reactions. She noticed she was having swelling in her hands and feet and itching after she ate certain foods. Her joints hurt. And she was having trouble sleeping. She had been eating gluten-free and low histamine for several weeks already. She really couldn’t figure out what was causing these symptoms.

We ran some of the new Food Zoomer Tests and an Organic Acid Test. We found out she was reacting to corn, rice, dairy, and oxalates. The tests also showed it was really important for her to stay gluten free. I recommended a Low Histamine, Low Oxalate, Low Lectin diet based on her results. She got started with these changes right away. Within 3 days the itching was much better. After 2 weeks, her joints were less painful. And a month later, her sleep was deeper and more refreshing.

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