Saturday, September 19, 2020

Low Histamine Coleslaw


Low Histamine Coleslaw Recipe


With spring just around the corner, I’m craving fresh and bright flavors. I really like making this slaw because it includes raw vegetables that will actually freeze decently. This slaw recipe takes a detour from traditional creamy slaw since mayonnaise is high histamine. Fortunately, this slaw version is packed full of histamine lowering ingredients.

Cabbage is high in sulfur that helps mast cells make heparin sulfate. And heparin sulfate is what mast cells use to stabilize themselves. So definitely eat those sulfur containing veggies! Carrots have beta-carotene, the precursor to Vitamin A called retinol. Retinol is also a great mast cell stabilizer. Green onions are packed with quercetin. And studies have shown even Extra Virgin Olive Oil is histamine lowering. It helps the body release the enzyme Diamine Oxidase. That enzyme, called DAO for short, reduces histamine throughout the whole body!

To get the lowest histamine carrots, choose the ones with the tops still on. Make sure the greens look fresh. Then cut the greens off before you store the carrots in the fridge. That step is important because otherwise the greens will keep pulling nutrients out of the carrots.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil has tons of health benefits. That is, if it really is extra virgin. The problem here is that many olive oils say they are extra virgin but aren’t. Often olive oils have added ingredients to increase flavor or color. This can spell trouble if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Olive Oil needs to be fresh. But often grocery store olive oils sit on the shelf for months at a time and lose their antioxidants. So, I’ve been on a quest to find real Extra Virgin Olive Oil

If you live in Cincinnati, Mt. Kofinos Olive Oil is a fantastic product. It is from Greece, where olive oil is naturally very low in pesticides. If you can’t get that one though, California Olive Ranch* Oils are certified by the California Olive Oil Council. Whichever olive oil you use, make sure it is Extra Virgin (not just virgin or cold pressed). It should be in a dark bottle and kept out of light. Also, make sure the manufacturing date is recent, since olive oil only lasts a maximum of 18 months from the time it is bottled. Ideally, it should be used much sooner than that.

With all of that said, here is the Low Histamine Slaw recipe!


Makes about 10 – 12 cups of slaw. You can easily half or quarter this recipe if you don’t want leftovers.

  • 1 head green cabbage
  • ½ head red cabbage
  • 8 organic carrots
  • 2 green onions
  • ½ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 tsp finely ground unrefined Sea Salt
  • 4 drops organic stevia*
  • 1 bunch cilantro (optional)
  • 1 green apple (optional)


  1. Chop green and red cabbage into small pieces. You can also use a food processor to shred the cabbage. I have found that gave the slaw a more sulfur taste. When I have the time, I like to chop it by hand for this recipe.
  2. Shred the carrots. I definitely use a food processor for this.
  3. Chop green onions.
  4. Chop cilantro, if using.
  5. Mix all the veggies together.
  6. Blend Extra Virgin Olive Oil, salt, stevia together with a whisk or in a blender.
  7. Pour over the slaw.
  8. If using the apple, chop finely and only add to the portion you are eating. (The apple won’t freeze well.)
  9. Freeze the leftovers in individual serving size containers.
  10. To thaw, let sit out for an hour or two or about 4 hours in the fridge. Eat while it is still a little frosty. It will get mushy if it defrosts entirely.

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