Saturday, September 19, 2020

Low Histamine, Low Oxalate, Low Lectin Dessert Ideas


Low Histamine, Low Oxalate, Low Lectin Dessert ideas for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance

Low Histamine Cassava Flour Blueberry Muffins 2

Finally, the desserts! Now, I do have to tell you I don’t use any sugar. I try to keep my blood sugar well managed. So I eat low carb 5 days a week. This is because blood sugar spikes can affect the mast cells. I have a dessert once a week at most.  It is really important to avoid sugar. Be sure to stick to healthy desserts like these. And even still, don’t overindulge. 

Macadamia Nut Butter Fudge – this gets a fudge like texture when you freeze it. It is very decadent!

Easy Low Histamine Blender Blueberry Muffins – many people think of muffins as a breakfast food. But too many carbs at breakfast can make you tired and hungrier though the day. It is better to have carbs at night, which can help sleep. These are really good.

Low Histamine Scones – I listed these under breakfast. They make a great dessert too. You can top them with frozen cherries – either cold or warmed into a sauce. If you top with the whipped coconut cream, they will really be quite the dessert.

Easy Low Histamine Mango Ice Cream – this is so easy, it is tempting to make it all the time. I love how creamy this is. If you like mango, you are in for quite the treat!

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