Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday, 12/13/13

I slept for five hours today!  I guess I needed the sleep.  Thankfully, I think that I'm on the mend.  

When I woke up, I wanted cauliflower and broccoli!  I roasted both of them and then turned the cauliflower into Cauliflower Gratin.  With the broccoli, I just roasted it plain, the same way I roasted the cauliflower - 425 degrees for 10 minutes, stir, and then roast for an additional 15 minutes.  I loved it, by itself and with mayo and chipotle.  I'm really enjoying more and more veggies, just as they are!

Breakfast: Oatmeal with Blueberries, Banana, and Apples


Dinner:  Roasted Broccoli with mayo and chipotle; Cauliflower Gratin, satsumas

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