Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday, 12/20/13

I woke up feeling so much better than yesterday!  I went to my daughter's holiday breakfast at her school.  Huge, huge blessing.  It's the first time I've ever been to any of her school functions!  Nick attended every other event they've had and took pictures, because I was never well enough to go.

After that, we stopped at my son's school to drop off some goodies for his holiday party, and we stayed and talked to some of the staff for quite awhile.  We ran home, ate a quick lunch, and then went Christmas shopping for the next two hours.

I was tired afterwards, but the pain wasn't unbearable.  I really believe that I'm going to get my life back!

Breakfast:  Cacao Wake-up Shake

 Lunch: Macaroni Salad, cherry tomatoes, clementine

Dinner: Spinach Quiche

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