Saturday, December 28, 2013

Wednesday, 12/25/13 through Saturday, 12/28/13

 I was out of town for a few days and didn't take pictures of my food while I was away, so I'm just putting everything together as one post.

Highlights of the trip were that I felt well enough physically to go, and well enough emotionally to really enjoy it!  My attitude is so much different than it used to be, and I'm so much more accepting and tolerant.  I can't believe the petty stuff I used to get upset over!

I also ate well and wasn't tempted by all of the SAD food surrounding me.  I didn't feel sick from too much rich food, and I'm not worried that I packed on the pounds over the holidays.

I distinctly remember reading someone's FB post at the end of last year, saying what an amazing year 2012 was and how she could hardly wait for 2013.  I still remember feeling so astounded that anyone could actually be so enthusiastic.  I know that sounds cynical, but I honestly was so down, sick, and in pain that I wasn't looking forward to anything except for surviving another day.  Today, I can say that I really am looking forward to 2014!

Wednesday, 12/25/13

Breakfast: Oatmeal with blueberries

Lunch:  Vegan Swedish "Meatballs"; Mashed Potatoes, Vegan Chocolate Truffles

Dinner: Buffalo Potato Wedges, Ranch Dressing, celery,

Thursday, 12/26/13

Lunch:  Baked Potato Wedges, salad, Ranch Dressing 

Dinner:  Mac & Cheeze, wine

Friday, 12/27/13

Lunch: Mac & Cheeze, salad, ranch dressing 

Dinner: Baked Potato Wedges, cheeze sauce, salad, ranch dressing

Saturday, 12/28/13

Breakfast: Baked Potato Wedges,cheeze sauce

Lunch: Salad, balsamic vinegar, salsa, apples, baked tortilla chips, vegan spinach dip, hummus, wine

Dinner: Vegan Swedish "Meatballs", Mashed Potatoes, grapes, pineapple, & honeydew melon, wine

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